Saturday 31 December 2011

me and uncle olly x

i love uncle olly. he even gave me my bottle this time and i went to sleep like a good boy. (well, thats what they thought anyway. actually i went out for a quick play on the swings cos 7pm is farrrrrr too early for bed, esp on new years eve) x

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Tuesday 27 December 2011

the final xmas...

apparently this is my last chtristmas this year. i think its a bit rubbish, i was just getting the hang of things! more amazing presents and lots of cuddles from grannie and grampie. and a long walk and a trip to the pub (again) thrown in too! right, im exhausted now, off to bed i go...
in too! right, im exhausted now, off to bed i go...

Monday 26 December 2011

boxing day madness

boxing day was CRAZY (no idea why monday has changed its name, think its something to do with xmas. there were loads more presents to open though yay! thanks loads to nan and grandad for a lovely time... and to everyone for my presents. hopefully mum wont make me write thankyou cards now! x

Sunday 25 December 2011

he's been!

wow! this bloke santa is AMAZING! he left sooooooo many presents for me. i have played loads, laughed lots, stuffed myself silly with food and and am completely exhausted. thanks to nanna and grandpa for a lovely day. onto christmas no 2 tomorrow...

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Saturday 24 December 2011

bedtime carrot x

i have no idea what this was all about but all the grown ups seemed very excited. something to do with santa again. i think he's coming tonight yay!

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drinking games

well, joseph said 'down it', so i did. no big deal really. dad said he was very proud x

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Friday 23 December 2011

Jack the red nosed raindeer

yay! train journey over, just got to get a taxi (no idea what one of those is) and we'll be there! now, if i can just work out how to get tgese antlers off...

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on our way!

woo hoo! we're all packed and on the train to wales. im a bit tired though from all the getting ready craziness so im just going to have a little nap, hopefully mum wont notice x

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Wednesday 21 December 2011

looking good!

mum reckons its a bit big but i think its fine. dad was a bit cross though cos i made him late for work. sorry dad, i didnt realise you wanted to wear THAT jumper x

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Chocolate mouth

ok, so peaches might have been easy but yoghurts are definately a bit more tricky. tasty tho x

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Tuesday 20 December 2011

secret santa

ok, so now im confused. whos secret santa and whys he a secret? mind you, i got a good present from him x

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the return of santa

we went to see santa again today! i thought he looked a bit different to last time but no-one seemed to notice.

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just peachy!

i dont know what the big deal is, but mum gave me a whole peach yesterday and got quite excited when i ate it like a grown up. to be honest ive got no idea why she spends so much time cutting everything up for me. i can manage just fine!

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Monday 19 December 2011

my first haircut

someone called me a girl the other day and mum got so annoyed she took me for my first haircut. good job really cos it was getting really long and kept tickling my ears. i had to sit really still which was a bit tricky cos there were loads of toys there to play with!

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Sunday 18 December 2011

onwards and upwards x

yay! i can climb the stairs! it was tricky to start with...

but once i got the hang of it...

i reached the top in no time!

i tried to climb the second lot when mum and dad were running my bath but they found me. they looked a bit worried, im not sure why?

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letter to santa

finally mum and dad have sent my letter to santa. i was a bit worried cos we havent got a chimney-thing which is how youre supposed to send it so luckily they came up with another idea and we sent it on this weird balloon-thing. it went right up in the sky though so i think he'll get it.

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lunch with the millsies!

another day, another pub lunch. this time with auntie sarah and uncle wayne, which was good cos i got a christmas present! thanks for the bib x

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Saturday 17 December 2011

tv addict

i think the tv programmes dad watches are a bit rubbish but i think he puts them on just for me so i pretend to watch them. he seems to like them anyway and at least i get some peace and quiet x

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