Tuesday 31 May 2011

thanks uncle steve!

wow, what a great outfit from my uncle steve! my tshirt says 'here comes trouble' tho, not sure what he means by that... ive been pretty good so far! ill save it all up for when he looks after me and then he'll know for sure!

my tshirt is from gap

a walk with my crazy mum!

mum decided to take me for a walk today, something to do with getting fit? she was getting a bit angry because stupid stuff in topshop didnt fit so we ended up on a bit of a hike. well, i was alright in my buggy but mum got a bit tired. only thing was it rained and rained. and rained. i told her walking was a bad idea!

Monday 30 May 2011

lunch in the rain

today was nanna and grandpas last day with us which was sad. theyve spoiled me lots and i don't want them to go home. luckily tho theyve put lots of days in mums diary when i can see them again. we went out for lunch and it rained and rained. mum had made sure i was all cosy though and didnt get wet!

Sunday 29 May 2011

bluebells and trains

today we all went out for a day trip to the bluebell railway. I slept for the WHOLE THING. im getting a bit sick of this now, they only seem to do fun stuff when im taking a nap. i really must speak to them about that. i wore my trains baby grow 'specially for it. its from cath kidston and my auntie kath bought it for me, i think maybe she owns the shop or something cos its named after her!

Saturday 28 May 2011

me and my dad x

today my nanna and grandpa came to visit and we all went to the pub. i sat with my dad, hes just the best! he gave me my first pint today (well, i wasn't allowed to drink it cos im too little but he gave me the glass which made me feel very grown up!) i also got to sit on his shoulders for the first time which was so fun... hes really tall so i felt really big for once. i needed a bit of help to stay upright but i think soon ill be a bit more steady so we'll be able to do it all the time!

my fab babygro is from gap, my first pint was in the arkle manor

Friday 27 May 2011

my first disney moment!

my dad was off work today so we got to spend all day together. he has to go to work most of the time which is a bit rubbish, i think he should stay at home with me and mum but apparently we have bills to pay or something. we got to watch jungle book together which was great, i love baloo the best!

Thursday 26 May 2011

i said i want my milk and i want it now!

we nearly ran out of milk today so i thought id take matters into my own hands. if you want something done, do it yourself. only thing is tho is that im too little for a mobile phone so i had to use mums phone to ring mr sma the milk man and sort it all out x

nanny & grandad

went to grandads today. i realised theres not a photo of nanny yet on my blog (not sure why, must be cos dads a bit rubbish with the camera?) so here they both are, spoiling me again!

get my great top from gap

Tuesday 24 May 2011

asleep in the bath

i love the bath. today it was soooo lovely that i fell asleep! mum and dad were laughing at me loads, but then dad said that he sometimes falls asleep in the bath so thats ok.

i love the tumbledryer

my mums friend told her the other day that her baby loved the tumbledryer. i thought that was a bit silly, but mum put me in front of it and it was AMAZING! i watched it go round and round for AGES... loads of fun! mum was really happy as she got loads done while i was there.

all my aunties and uncles

my auntie holly said she wanted some photos of me and her on my blog yesterday. i thought my other aunties and uncles might get a bit jealous so heres some photos of me with them all! i love them all a LOT... mum says theyve been spoiling me already which is fine by me, i love presents and cuddles loads!

new day, another great new outfit!

another one of my favourite outfits my crazy mum put me in! x

trousers from marks and spencer, bib from bubba bibs

Monday 23 May 2011

my friend leo

today i went to see my friend leo. he's really great. at the moment we can't really play much cos we're too small but hopefully soon we'll be able to play lots. ive promised mum ill try not to be too naughty and i think he's promised his mum too!

my baby gro from gap (i dont know where leo got his!)

my rabbit is sick

my bunny trevor is sick and me and mum have been to the vets a LOT since ive been born. its quite boring waiting for him to see the vet but hopefully he'll be better soon so we wont have to go anymore. this time wasnt too bad cos i was pretty tired and slept through the whole trip. heres a photo mum took while we were waiting...

Sunday 22 May 2011

auntie vic and my new outfit!

look what auntie vic bought me! I think she's great... i got lots of cuddles from her. im going to wear this one lots!

baby gro from the little white company

dressing up...

My mum seems to like dressing me up! I think it might be cos she's a fashion buyer so she thinks its fun?! I think so too, although sometimes dad thinks i look a bit silly! Heres some of my favourite outfits so far...

all clothes shown from the following shops!
baby baker
marks and spencer

Saturday 21 May 2011

caterpillar me!

This is me in the outfit my Nanna said made me look like a caterpillar! Its her birthday today so u thought i'd wear it to say


Lots of love Jack xxx

buy my baby gro (or one like it) from marks and spencer

Sunday 8 May 2011

rocking horse

today i thought would be good to see if i was big enough to play on the rocking horse nanny and grandad bought me for being born! it turns out im a bit too little still. Mum had to help me but we managed to get a photo of me. I think i look really grown up! X

buy one just like mine from mamas and papas