Saturday 30 July 2011

sort of sitting!

i had a go at sitting again today and i can do it all by myself! mum reckons for about 30 seconds which she said was pretty good. after that i fell over. oh well, practice makes perfect!

bouncing jack

wow! mum bought me a bouncing hanging thing today and i LOVE it! look at me go! i reckon i can hang around in this for hours x

Thursday 28 July 2011

Smiles all round

me and mum went to a talk today, all about how to give me proper food yay! hopefully we can start soon cos im starving x

Wednesday 27 July 2011

Sent packing!

heres me waiting to go to grannies at the weekend. we had a sleepover and it was loads of fun. i liked it so much i couldnt even wait til morning so i woke up grannie twice!

Friday 22 July 2011

finally a night out!

last night we went to nanny and grandads so i had LOADS of fun! i didnt think much of the dogs but theyre quite big so maybe when im as big as them i'll like them a bit more. i got a cuddle from my auntie holly though and i love her lots! playing airplanes with grandad was good too, it was a shame mum put me to bed really but i was quite tired after all the fun! x

babies who lunch

yesterday we went for lunch with mums friends for auntie sarahs birthday. i really like her and her mums pretty great too!

Thursday 21 July 2011

all my friends

yay! i got to see all my yoga buddies again yesterday. they're great. we had to sit for AGES though while the mums took photos of us. they were trying to get us all to smile which i thought was pretty funny!

Sunday 17 July 2011

aunty kath

we went shopping in kingston today and stopped in to see aunty kath. the shopping was a bit boring but aunty kath was great! x

me, mum and dad

we had a lazy weekend at last and cuddled up on the sofa... i loved it and i think they did too. i think i dribbled a bit in mums ear in this photo but she said she didnt mind!

Saturday 16 July 2011

my dads the best

everyone thinks we look alike. What do you think?

saturday afternoon in the pub

my life is just great. sleep, eat, sleep eat. So much to do, so little time x

Friday 15 July 2011

baker baby

these outfits just get better and better! baker baby is my new favourite x

what a laugh!

heres me laughing! sorry its upside down but mums a bit rubbish with the camera x

great new outfit!

i just LOVE this outfit, i couldnt stop smiling! x

p.s. trousers from h&m, bib from bubba bibs, chair from bumbo!

Wednesday 13 July 2011

mini break in hastings

me and mum just went for a little holiday in hastings with mums friend faye and my friend mia. Theyre really nice. They even took me to the kids club which was fun but i was sooooo tired i fell asleep before i could finish making my windmill!

p.s. the place we stayed at is called coombe haven and it was great!

Tuesday 12 July 2011

watching the box!

ive just realised what the box is that everyone watches! its really pretty with lots of people moving about. i could watch it all day long, but for some reason mum and dad wont let me!

p.s. my special chair is called a bumbo!

great grandma

grandpa took me to visit great grandma. i was a bit grumpy that day but i soon cheered up!

bye bye becca

heres me giving auntie becca a goodbye hug. i was really sad!

p.s. baby vest from gap

family hinton

me mum and dad in the cardiff bay sunshine. i didnt really want my photo taken but they did it anyway! how rude.

p.s. top from baker baby, jeans from next

big nana!

we went to see my great nana when we were in wales. we saw her 3 whole times which is a lot! i think she loves me loads cos i got lots of cuddles. i think shes great x

p.s. top from baker baby, jeans from next

hot tub baby!

mum and dad took me for a swim in nannas hot tub, she wasnt very pleased with them but i loved it! X

me and nanna x

here's me, nanna and grandpa in cardiff... We had loads of fun!

p.s. top from baker baby, hat from gap

Thursday 7 July 2011

auntie becca

ok, so im in wales yay! heres me and auntie becca, she put me to bed last night. everyone seems to love putting me to bed which im getting a bit worried about, its like they cant wait to get rid of me! mum says not to worry though, its just cos im a baby and that one day soon she'll let me stay up late. she said maybe when im 18, apparently thats not very long but i think she might be fibbing x

Wednesday 6 July 2011

my 2 grandads

grandad and great grandad came to see me today. they are really fun, they even made me laugh out loud which everyone seemed really happy about, im not sure why. grown ups are sooooo easy to please!

p.s. my snuggly towel is from mamas and papas

Monday 4 July 2011

welsh jack

here i am all ready for my trip to wales in my rugby top dad bought me from the wru shop. he says im welsh even tho i was born in england, but mum says to ignore him cos im english. i am one confused baby! x

Sunday 3 July 2011

1 whole stone!

Last week mum got me weighed and now im a whole stone yay! mum says thats really heavy and that im just perfect x

p.s. my rocking chair is from bloom baby, my toy arch is from mamas and papas

i love grannie and grampie!

today i went to visit grannie and grampie. i had lots of cuddles which was great and they bought me lots of new clothes from debenhams, i love them lots! its great being a baby cos you get really spoilt. grandparents are just the BEST!

Saturday 2 July 2011

me and auntie holly

auntie holly is staying tonight and she put me to bed which i really liked. shes lovely x

me and my friends

today we went to a bbq. all my friends from baby yoga were there and for once i managed to stay awake through the WHOLE THING! all the mums and dads made us lie on the ground and they took this picture, we felt really silly but they seemed to like it, not sure why?!

p.s. my jeans are from next, my hat is from gap and my mum made my tshirt!

surprise visit from grandpa

grandpa had some work to do near where we live which was great cos he came to visit! hopefully there will be lots more work and then he can come all the time. i made sure i smiled lots but mum and dad said i couldnt tell nanna how much cos she'd get jealous. im saving a really big smile for when i see her! x

day trip with mia

yesterday i went out with my friend mia. she's a girl but she's really fun xxx

not long now!

mum and dad just told me its only 5 sleeps til i go to wales. i am sooooo excited! gro from john lewis