Thursday 25 August 2011

not quite tall enough

how annoying. i reallllly wanted to go on the rides at weston super mare but mum said i wasnt tall enough. looks like she was right and i had to make do with the stupid kids rides instead. boooooo.

Wednesday 24 August 2011

big fat jack

not the most flattering photo i know but mum and dad thought it was funny x

old macdonald

ooooo now i get it! so thats what mums been talking about when she sings that really annoying song to me. today we went for a walk and ended up on a farm full of chickens!

Tuesday 23 August 2011

pub lunch

loving having lots of time with mum and dad!

my first holiday

mum and dad have taken me on my very first holiday! im lazing around in the garden lots, having long soaks in the roll top bath (whatever that means) and playing on the foosball table. i reckon soon i'll be beating dad!

Saturday 20 August 2011

champagne baby!

yay we're in selfridges champagne bar! having a fab time with mum and grannie. they said we're going off to spend lots of money now. so much to do, so little time x

Friday 19 August 2011

nanny, grandad and great grandad!

i havent seen nanny and grandad for a little while so i thought id pay them a visit, it turned out great grandad was there to surprise me which was great!

Thursday 18 August 2011

me and my bunny

wow, i love my bunny. he's great!

mobile baby!

yay! ive truly mastered the art of this rolling over thing. look how mum found me this morning!

another new tshirt!

i thought mum had been a bit rubbish on the tshirt front lately! anyway, heres the newest one. i love it! x

making mum knackered

oh dear. i think im getting a bit heavy. mum took me for a walk yesterday in my baby carrier and it made her a bit tired! me too actually, in fact i managed to have a little kip but i dont think she noticed.

Wednesday 17 August 2011


wow this stuff they call solids is great! theyre a bit crazy though cos it looks pretty runny to me. bring on the steak and chips i say, the purees are just not enough.

anyone for a drink?

i found out dads got a bar in the garden. its AMAZING!

Monday 15 August 2011

too cool for skool!

these shades are just brilliant! mum wouldnt buy them for me though so i got a bit cross x

messy jack

ive been eating LOADS of stuff, sooooo much better than stupid milk. i think im getting the hang of it now although its a bit messy...

grannie and grampie

very busy weekend. we even managed to pop into grannie and grampies and i got to show them how i can roll over now! personally i dont know what the big deal is but everyone seems to think im really clever x

another visit to big nana

wow shes just soooooo fun. i even got to go in the lift and dad let me sit all by myself!

burgular jack!

another party for aunty beccas party, wow she's popular! we all dressed up this time, mum and dad looked pretty stupid but i looked GREAT! i got to stay up even later this time. i got a bit tired though and fell asleep again.

aunty beccas party

we had a party this weekend for aunty beccas birthday, shes 30! i was allowed to stay up late and everything!

Friday 12 August 2011

hurry up dad!

only a few more hours and i get to see my dad yay! i havent seen him for 2 whole sleeps and i miss him LOADS.

Thursday 11 August 2011

me and big nana

we went to see big nana today. shes dads nana and shes great. we had so much fun though im a bit heavy so i hope i didnt wear her out!

Wednesday 10 August 2011

is it me or is it dad?

don't we look alike?! its just the tan velour dungarees that give dad away, oh dear! xxx

Tuesday 9 August 2011

real food at last

finally mum and dad decided to give me some proper food! amazing. the sweet potato and banana was great but the carrots were rubbish. grannie said that was ok cos she hates them too xxx

lost on box hill

Yay! nannas come to stay. we went for a walk on box hill though and nanna and mum got us lost. good job i was there with my map or who knows what might have happened!

Thursday 4 August 2011

last weekends party

i forgot to put the photos of my party last weekend on here! well, it was mum and dads party really but really everyone was there to see me im sure. heres me with uncle fingers (long story apparently) and uncle steve x

i found my thumb!

oh my goodness, ive been sucking that stupid dummy all this time and didnt realise there was something better on my very own hand! why didnt someone tell me?!

hot and bothered

it was reallllllly hot yesterday! we went for a picnic in some park somewhere with my friends and then went home to cool down!

Tuesday 2 August 2011

model me

dad reckons this is my moody model pose! he tried to join in but i think i looked better by myself. obviously i didnt tell him that x