Friday 30 September 2011

marmite? mmmmmm

i told mum so many times thats i could do it myself. good job she finally listened, the marmite sandwiches were great and thank goodness shes given up with the stupid spoon at last! any more sloppy fruit and i would have gone crazy.

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So near but yet sooooo far

i want it, i just cant get it. in fact i reallllly want it. its just not fair. trouble is, as soon as i got it i wanted something better!

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Thursday 29 September 2011


mum made me a new cushion and its so comfy i fell asleep!

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Wednesday 28 September 2011


mum and dad have just got me the most amazing toy! there's so much to do in it ive lost track of time. actually come to think of it i havent seen mum in a while...

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Tuesday 27 September 2011

double jack

i can't believe it! i found another jack! he's EXACTLY the same as me. how wierd. heres a video to prove it cos i dont think anyone will believe me...

porridge explosion

urgh porridge is MESSY! i just couldnt help getting it everywhere... check me out on this video!

Sunday 25 September 2011


me mum and dad had such a fun weekend! we went somewhere called blackheath, apparently its where mum and dad used to live before i was even a twinkle (whatever that means). i tried something called calamari which sounded gross but actually was quite tasty. we even went to see a film OUTDOORS which i thought was a bit weird but they seemed to like. i got a bit bored though and fell asleep.


i just love the bath!

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my first car

wow. mia let me go in her car with her the other day, its amazing!
hopefully soon i can get one too and then i can go loads of places without mum yay! X

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another trip to the pub

we seem to be visiting the new pub at the end of our road a lot recently. nanny and grandad took me there on friday, we had loads of fun cos my grandads crazy!

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Saturday 24 September 2011

rugby ball

thanks to nanny and grandad for my new rugby ball! i love it. xxx

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Friday 23 September 2011

the layering look

thank goodness mums finally got the hang of the layering look now its got a bit colder. ive been going on about it for ages. youd have thought being a fashion buyer she would have been a bit more on top of these things! i'll have to have a word.

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my first kiss!

urghhh... i kissed a girl! it was mia though so thats ok.

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mum never feeds me

my mum NEVER feeds me. im STARVING all the time. i even had to resort to licking my buggy the other day. it actually didnt taste too bad x

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happy birthday dad!

it's dads birthday today. apparently that means you get loads of presents! i cant wait til its my birthday. mum and dad thought it would be really funny to wrap me up like a present. Ha ha, im not so sure!

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Tuesday 20 September 2011

olly or jack?

mum thinks i look a bit like my uncle olly. what do you think? x

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Sticky jack

mum and dad are soooooo annoying sometimes. They thought this was reallllly funny. at least it kept them quiet for a while.

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too little for jollyfest boooooo x

this weekend my uncle olly and auntie jenny had a big party! im not really sure what it was for but mum said its cos they love each other lots. Yuk. i was only allowed to the beginning part which was a bit annoying cos i even got dressed up specially! i got to go home though with nanna and grandpa and they spoiled me lots so thats ok x

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mum gave me something called spagbol today for tea and i loved it!

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my funny dad!

i love my dad, he's just soooooo funny!

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Monday 19 September 2011

a day with grannie x

grannie cames to spend the day with me and mum on friday. we had a great time. she showed me how to build a tower which i thought was a bit boring but she seemed to like a lot! we watched a good film too but mum said it was a bit girly and not to tell dad.

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Wednesday 14 September 2011

all grown up

ive worked out how to hold my bottle all by myself! good job too cos mum keeps feeding me when im thirsty and making me drink when im hungry. she really is rubbish at working out what im moaning about. she says im really clever tho and very grown up!

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Tuesday 13 September 2011

water baby x

my mum took me to yet another class today. this time swimming lessons though and they were great fun, LOADS better than stupid baby yoga! x

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girls are hard work!

dad warned me but i didnt listen. girls are just SUCH hard work. note to self... believe him next time he tells me something!

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girly jack x

seriously mum. im a BOY! stop with the girly hats and pink teddies will you? and plllllleeeeeaaaaasssseeee don't tell dad about this cos he'll really wind me up about it!

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baby yoga!

wow, baby yoga is just soooooo relaxing! or do i mean boring? im not sure...

Monday 12 September 2011

mums little helper

yesterday i helped mum make the bed. she said i got in the way a lot which i thought was very rude! next time i'll find something else to do x

Sunday 11 September 2011

me and mum x

me and mum had loads of fun today. she kisses me A LOT which is a bit annoying but i'll let her off x

rugby boy!

there i was, all ready for the rugby and wales lost. rubbish. me and dad had to go to the pub to get over the disappointment :(

fruit and veg!

mmmmmm, broccoli and apple together are tasty!


sorry willow! i thought it was MY foot but i got willows instead! tasted just as nice tho x

staying away

i stayed away from mum and dad for TWO WHOLE NIGHTS! it was reallllly fun with nan and grandad so hopefully i can go back soon!