Tuesday 29 November 2011

upright jack x

now ive figured out how to do it, upright is sooooo much better than lying down! i LOVE mia for letting me borrow her walker thingy x

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Monday 28 November 2011

escape plan

now, if i can just reach to turn off the monitor she'll never find out about my escape plan...

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Thursday 24 November 2011

ho ho ho x

ok, so cos everyone keeps asking what i want for christmas i decided to speak to those lovely people at amazon and set up a wish list- you can use the link ive put here to buy me stuff! its cos i cant talk yet and mums rubbish at telling everyone what i want so i thought id sort it out for her. i guess santa can have a look too although i'll probably do another one for him, cos i dont know if he has the internet. wow im sooooooo excited! oh, and mum said i had to say thanks, even though i dont have the presents yet x

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me and bethany

went to see auntie julie today and i met baby bethany. mum said id met her before but i think shes fibbing, i definately would have remembered her cos shes great!

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a new hat!

mums finally finished my hat yay! thought she'd never do it but luckily now ive got it just in time, its getting really cold now x

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Saturday 19 November 2011

left again x

mum and dad have gone and left me again. they ve got a party or something, whatever. auntie holly is great fun though! x

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Friday 18 November 2011

get me outta here!

not sure why mums so worried about me doing this?! i just wanted to get out!

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ok, so apparently you can move around in the bath!? i had no idea. LOADS more fun!

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no idea why mum left it so late for a lesson on this, youdve thought she'd have been more prepared. i had to show them all how to do it. wow, im in trouble arent i?

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Wednesday 16 November 2011

grown up trolley x

i can sit in the big boys seat when we go shopping now! much better cos now i can see whats going on and make sure mum buys the right stuff. less of those rubbish rice cakes and more of the chocolate and crisps i think x

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Tuesday 15 November 2011

grannies roast dinner!

wow, my grannie is a GREAT cook. my first family roast dinner was amazing! mums definately been keeping that quiet, grannie is MUCH better than her... obviously wont tell her that though.

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good day for a walk

went for a walk on sunday with mum and dad. well, they did all the walking. i was nice and cosy in my buggy. i think i might leave the walking for a while, its much nicer being pushed!

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pub lunch

outside in november... are they CRAZY? good food though so i didnt complain.

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Saturday 12 November 2011

drinking with the big boys

uncle fingers has come to stay and we're in the pub AGAIN! i quite like it though... this stuff they call beer is tasty.

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Friday 11 November 2011

ive been oompa loompa'd!

spag bol seems to turn you a strange shade of orange. i really like it though so i'll have to get used to it i guess. cleaning me up took mum ages though which was a bit annoying.

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mission accomplished!

shopping done... ive got a new massive jumper, mums got new tiny jeans (wow shes happy!) and now its the weekend yay! x

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a spot of lunch!

me and mum decided we needed a break from shopping so stopped for a spot of lunch in m&s. note to self: grinning at everyone definately helps with finding a spare table!

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Thursday 10 November 2011

nanny and grandad time!

yay! nanny and grandad took the day off work so they could play with me. good job too cos mum gets a bit boring sometimes. i LOVE the dogs too x

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Sunday 6 November 2011

2 aunties!

2 aunties in 1 weekend. im exhausted!

lady and the tramp

thought id try to recreate that famous disney moment. not sure how sucessful it was but mum and dad thought it was pretty funny!

my first date

me and caitin had lunch the other day. our table is quite big though so the conversation wasnt great.

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all grown up

i really dont see what the big deal is. so we're all sitting, so what? the mums were all sooooo excited youdve thought we'd just won the lottery. calm down will you?!

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...just hung up on nanna. sorry! x

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if i were a girl...

mum and auntie becca are being mean it me! its a good look though... i think i secretly like it X

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Saturday 5 November 2011


wow! the fireworks were a bit scary but the things they call sparklers are amazing! loads of fun with mum, dad and auntie becca x

Wednesday 2 November 2011

sparkling toothies!

i had to brush my brand new teeth today for the very first time today. a bit pointless if you ask me cos theres only 2 of them but mum says its best to look after them.

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jack the artiste!

this thing mum calls painting is fun! she said im really good at it too... i did a picture specially for grampies birthday and i think it looks just like him!

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cosy jack x

thanks to my favourite welsh auntie for my lovely sheepy thing that keeps me cosy-warm! i love it. it arrived just in time too, i kept telling mum i was freezing but she just wouldnt listen.

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Tuesday 1 November 2011

i love swimming

i love waterbabies! its just the best. today even nanny and grandad came to watch so i made sure i was really good at it!