Thursday 27 December 2012

come ON great nana!

i mean really...  shes ever so slow. she IS lovely tho x

the final frontier

the final christmas! i am exhausted... all this present opening really takes it out of you x

lovely me x

a spot of quiet time before xmas number 3 begins xxx

Wednesday 26 December 2012

present worries

i realllllly hope nanny and grandad like their present. what a worry x

jacks house

my very own pad for christmas... no idea how he got it in his sleigh but thanks santa! rudolph must be exhausted. can everyone now just GET OUT of it tho and leave me in peace?

Tuesday 25 December 2012

its chrrriiissstmaass!

christmas is officially brilliant... its just a shame im too little to remember last year! x

Monday 24 December 2012

a plate for santa

what do you mean i have to leave this for santa? i thought it was my bedtime treat!

christmas eve picnic

teddy bears picnic and home alone on tv... what a perfect way to spend christmas eve!

all the fun of the fair

christmas just gets better and better...
watch 'all the fun of the fair' on YouTube
watch 'all the fun of the fair 2' on YouTube

bedtime buddy x

dad... quick! theres a girl in my bed!

pub lunch

sunday pub lunch? brilliant. ESPECIALLY when said pub has big squash sofas x

christmas is early!

can someone tell the grown ups theyve got the day wrong? im sure mum said christmas is on the 25th. i'll keep the early presents tho, thanks grannie and grampie!

Friday 21 December 2012

letter to santa

i thought visiting santa 3 times and telling him what i wanted was enough but apparently not... ive got to actually send him a letter too (so hes got it in writing i think). good job mum had a sky lantern cos im not sure i could rely on royal mail this close to the big day

waiting for santa

group outing to see santa (again) at priory farm! hes really getting around a bit at the moment. another visit means another present tho... im really beginning to like this guy.

harrys back!

seriously harry... youve been back in the country for 5 minutes and already youve shared my bath and nicked my space on the sofa! i guess i'll miss you when ur back in that singapore place tho x

Thursday 20 December 2012

nursery rocks!

tiddlywinks nursery is officially the best ever! loving the christmas party. still not sure about this bloke they call santa tho, he's definitely following me... good job he had a present handy x

Tuesday 18 December 2012

we're famous!

i think im destined to become the next romeo beckham... this year crockford bridge farm website, next year burberry! and all thanks to a visit to santa and photographer lottie davis x

Monday 17 December 2012

busy jack

some paint and some glitter and youdve thought i was the next picasso! parents are soooo easy to please. hooray for the girls at nursery tho getting me brownie points just in time for santa x

potty head

mum reckons i havent quite got to grips with the concept of potty training yet. i have no idea what she means.

a letter from santa x

santas written a letter to me! he reckons if im reallllly good he'll bring me lots of presents for Christmas. hopefully he wont find out then about the masterpiece i made on the mirror using my mid-morning cheese snack. i thought was a stroke of pure genius but mum was realllllly cross.

funny auntie holly

i mean, with a bit of help from the ipad shes just hysterical!
Watch "funny auntie holly" on YouTube

new hat

recycling my old clothes as headwear? i think ive started a new trend... warm, stylish AND good for the environment.

Sunday 16 December 2012

stuff and fluff

my bear was looking decidedly saggy until the nice man from build-a-bear stuffed it for me. a quick blowdry at the fluffing station and we were done. brilliant x