Wednesday 29 February 2012

auntie travelling becca

auntie Becca must have a very important job cos I got 3 postcards! 2 from brazil and 1 from germany.

grin and bear it x

dads gone to work and so me and mum are home alone for the first time in ages. she seems happy
... im not really bothered as long as i get fed. im just smiling for her sake really x

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Tuesday 28 February 2012

mission: biscuits

right leo, you look in the handbag and i'll check the dvd drawer. the biscuits are bound to be here somewhere x

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im just not sure about leo. mum said we're friends but i think thats just cos she's gets to have tea and biscuits with his mum? im just going to ignore him for now

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Sunday 26 February 2012

Whats a rucksack?

i have no idea what this thing on my back but apparently i can put all my stuff in it. thanks nanna and grandpa! grannie/grampie: mum said youre getting me one too so at nursery i'll be one stylish little boy yay!

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practice run

mum and dad made me go to school. they said i needed some discipline, whatever that is. they say it weird here as well... sch-oo-wel. strange x

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Saturday 25 February 2012

come on wales!

i think they won cos i was watching... maybe i should be a mascot one day?

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pub lunch

a spot of lunch in the sunshine... perfect!

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Thursday 23 February 2012

trikes, bikes and sports cars

mum and dad think i want one of these for my birthday. its quite nice...

but i think id prefer any of these instead!

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Tuesday 21 February 2012

Monday 20 February 2012

all made up

it looks like sweeties but it tastes yuk. and then mum goes and rubs it all over her face. girls are strange x

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loving the dips grannie! dont really know why i wasnt allowed to put my fingers in them though. rubbish x

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big boys school

just had my first school session.

bin boy jack

i was just seeing if i could fit into the recycling box. i mean, everyone keeps saying how massive i am so i thought id prove them wrong. i fitted just perfectly!

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Saturday 18 February 2012


uncle olly put me to bed at the weekend, he's great at it and i went straight to sleep (well, i pretended to anyway, and then snuck out to the park. AS IF i'd go to sleep at 7pm!)

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Friday 17 February 2012

oh my!

camels, gorillas and giraffes... oh my! great day at london zoo with mum and dad x

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Wednesday 15 February 2012

Tuesday 14 February 2012

new stuff!

shopping with grannie and grampie is great... they bought me LOADS of presents! i think they thought it was christmas again or something and i thought it was best not to correct them. thanks millions! x

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pretty in pink

mummy bought me a new top, she says only real boys can pull off pink. I personally think she wants me to be a girl, I'm sure she even called me jackie the other day!

Monday 13 February 2012

pyjama jack

me, mum and dad were getting sick of all the poppers on my babygros so we went shopping for grown up pyjamas. yay... i am officially Grown Up (well, nearly) x

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Sunday 12 February 2012

anniversary card

well, i definately scored brownie points this week. i had to borrow the money for mum and dads anniversary card from grannie but i managed to catch the post just in time! i think theyve been married like forever... urgh x

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little charmer

Friday 10 February 2012


off to stay at grannie and grampies. need to pack all the essentials, only staying overnight though so 2 bottles should be enough.

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trend setter

apparently this is a good look. im not so sure.

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boat trip

a short trip to nanny and grandads boat. its FREEZING... crazy idea but dont really have much choice. at least i got a lift tho x

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Wednesday 8 February 2012

five times the fun

I've just found out that mum and dad have been hiding my other brothers in the cupboard. we are going to have so much fun, there's enough for a 5-a-side team!

daily chores

dad says that I have start pulling my weight, cos there is not that much of me, my job is to clean the shower tray.

Tuesday 7 February 2012

gappy teef gang!

finally, someone else who has a big gap between their 2 front teeth just like me! hooray for uncle olly, now theres 2 of us in the gang x

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Sunday 5 February 2012

'snow way!

ok, theyre officially crazy. so theres freezing white stuff on the ground and they decided to build stuff out of it. i mean, why? i quite liked the snowmen though. good job big nana had got me a snowsuit though cos otherwise i would have been freezing.

Saturday 4 February 2012

happy clappy

I can clap hands! no idea what all the fuss is about but everyone seems very happy with me x

great hat!

i think i like this look. mum and dad were laughing for some reason but i think it looks quite stylish?!

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Thursday 2 February 2012

3 simple rules

ive had to sit down and explain to dad that there are 3 simple rules to looking after me.

1 i can eat as much chocolate as i like.

2 im allowed down the big slide at squishy play on my own.

and most importantly of all

3 we dont tell mum any of this.

Wednesday 1 February 2012

Blueberry calling

yay! mums finished work for the week. i havent told her its only thursday though so i hope she doesnt get in trouble. now, im just taking her blueberry away cos people keep distracting her.

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