Monday 30 April 2012

jacks kitchen

i wrote the recipe on my hand. shame mum got the wet wipes out before i had a chance to cook her dinner. oh well, at least i tried x

Saturday 28 April 2012

Friday 27 April 2012

daddys boy

mum tried to make me eat a stir fry but i stood my ground. bread products are definitely the way forward x

the kitchen sink

who knew the kitchen sink could be so much fun?

Thursday 26 April 2012

skiving again

got out of being jabbed with needles today cos i was feeling a bit hot... result! a cream egg should make me feel a bit better tho x

Sunday 22 April 2012

Krispie cakes!

rice krispies covered in chocolate are sooooo tasty. straight from the spoon is best though i think x

im still standing...

for some reason mummy wants me to stand my own. i don't know why but it seems to make her happy so ill carry on.

spooning around

whoops, sorry grampie. think i hit him with the spoon. good job he'd already given me my pressie from harrods!

lunch with the millsies

squishy play and then food? with the millsies? ok im in... whats not to like? x

graffiti artist

my dad is awesome! he says i can draw on the walls. right, im off to graffiti the living room x

Friday 20 April 2012

the apprentice

now... 2 for £8 or 2 for £7? mum says its the question every budding buyer must answer. im not so sure x

mike and angela

mum says im just like them cos im good at art. i have no idea who they are but i LOVE my new aquadoodle! thanks auntie debbie x

Thursday 19 April 2012

mmmmmm... cake!

we played cooking at nursery... and i made my very own cake! mum said she was very proud of me. i think she was just being nice tho cos she wanted a bit so i stuffed it in quick!

nom nom nom...

i cant help it... i just LOVE to eat! nom nom nom... scrambled egg is just sooooo tasty x

Wednesday 18 April 2012

ball and pools

good job im 'sick'... sooooo much fun with nanna instead of stupid nursery! x

up up up!

they think its dangerous for me to climb the stairs, not idea why. its great... up up up I go! x

Tuesday 17 April 2012


its was so fun with nanna this weekend that we hatched a master plan and now we've got 2 days off together yay! if mum and dad ask im reallllly sick tho, honest!

Friday 13 April 2012

chug chug chug...

im on the train! mum reckons ive been on one before.... I dont think so cos i DEFINATELY would have remembered its, this is AMAZING!

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the gruffalo's child

all ready for my trip to cardiff, good job ive got a decent suitcase at last! x

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Thursday 12 April 2012

bathtime fun

ive got a lifeboat station in my bath! good job really cos dad made it realllllly deep today. thanks untie jolly!

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plastic filled with air? amazing! x

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Monday 9 April 2012

my first birthday... at last!

ok, so ive just found out that todays my ACTUAL birthday... yay! but ive opened all my presents already. oh well, ill just have to eat cake x

Sunday 8 April 2012

easter fun

my birthday and easter all in one weekend? amazing!

Saturday 7 April 2012

birthday party!

birthdays are amazing... why didn’t anyone tell me how great they are? not only a car, but a trampoline and a bike as well... i cant WAIT til im 2 now! p.s. check out the link on my home page to see me starring in my very own book that mum and dad gave me too x

Friday 6 April 2012

my first car

ive got wheels! thanks nanna and grandpa... im off out to the park!

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Thursday 5 April 2012

poorly me

ive been a bit hot, had a stupid rash and my mouth is REALLY sore. to be honest i just wanted a few days off nursery, that place mum says im really going to like one day. good job my best mate mia made a me a get well soon card x

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gymbabes birthday!

i had no idea that its my birthday soon! good job all the people at gymbabes let me know... apparently you get loads of presents and cake!

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easter egg hunt in the park with mia... amazing! sometimes she just wont leave me alone though. dad says i better get used to it x

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Tuesday 3 April 2012

1 of my 5 a day!

Does a jaffa cake count as 1 of my 5 a day?

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