Wednesday 30 May 2012

barrys island

woo hoo! barrys island in the sunshine is great! although its not an island. and i didnt meet anyone called barry. or gavin. or stacey. rubbish x

p.s. get my 'look' from next i reallllly like their stuff at the moment!

Monday 28 May 2012

my first ice cream

going... going... gone!

p.s. tshirt from next


slides? only my most favourite thing EVER!

p.s. to get the same thrill factor visit bocketts farm

just like dad

i want to be just like my dad when i grow up. im doing a pretty good job of it so far i think p.s. no alcohol was consumed for this post! x

Saturday 26 May 2012

bubbles bubbles!

i think its a great look. whodve thought a bubble-quiff could look so good?!

Friday 25 May 2012

ginger jack

i like auntie beccas red hair so much i decided to try and recreate the look on myself. looking good!

p.s i painted my hair (by accident) at messy monsters. you should give it a go, its amazing!

Thursday 24 May 2012

Skiving no 3... mr spotty

i found out it was going to be really sunny today, so i worked rely hard and managed to make an AWESOME rash appear on my belly! result? a day off for me and mum... shopping and ice cream x

p.s. shopping at bluewater is ace!


i can use the slide all by myself! ive been telling mum for ages and she finally let me do it. im going to have SUCH a great time this summer!

Wednesday 23 May 2012

here comes trouble

mias idea to read books was a good plan... just when the mums thought we were being good we escaped and rang on everyones doorbells. soooooo much more fun x

Sunday 20 May 2012

messy jack

a bucket, some mud and a rolling pin. just what every 1 year old needs when helping mum and dad do the gardening x

Saturday 19 May 2012

missing mia

wheres my girlfriend gone? x

dandelions x

a whole day out with auntie holly yay! she taught me all about dandelions. i think youre supposed to blow on them or something? grown ups are strange  x

child genius

baby art classes are amazing, im a future art superstar!

one step forward...

so i took one tiny step. so what? mum and dad need to get a life. they were so excited youdve thought id run the marathon! x

apple snow

look grannie... mum made me apple snow just like she used to have. tasty! x

Wednesday 16 May 2012

like mother like son

me and mum just love brighton pier. same pose, same place, just a few decades on!

Tuesday 15 May 2012

green thumbed jack

mum spent all day saturday doing the gardening so i thought i would do my bit. dad said i was a natural and had green thumbs, i think he might need his eyes tested again cos they look brown to me!

Monday 14 May 2012

grand prix

its EXACTLY the same as on the telly but a bit better... car, check. road, check. driver, me!

Sunday 13 May 2012

ribs and fairies

manly ribs followed by girly daisies... all in all a very well-rounded sunday! x

red lolly yellow lolly

lollies are awesome. i liked my red one so much i asked mum for her yellow one... and together they tasted even better!

mirror mirror

turns out im twins... mum and dad kept that one quiet! x

Saturday 12 May 2012

double trouble

me and my mate hedley... he's awesome x

the hangover

dad looked a bit poorly this morning so i thought id make him feel better.x

Friday 11 May 2012

short straw

why didnt someone tell me you could actually DRINK stuff from these plastic things? amazing x

Thursday 10 May 2012

me and my mum

there has been some sun, look! just not for a while. rain rain go away!

Wednesday 9 May 2012

shake it!

my mum went to barbados (wherever that is) and all i got were these lousy maracas! x

Monday 7 May 2012

epic day

brighton pier, baby disco and a spot of lunch.... exhausting. me and leo just couldnt stay awake a minute longer!

heres jackie!

if only i hadnt eaten so much cake i might have had a chance of fitting through x

Sunday 6 May 2012

risk taker

its pretty high up here. not as high as on dads shoulders obviously, but still. grandads had a pint already so id better watch it!

escape plan

i get what you mean bethany, that window DOES look like a good escape exit, but im just not sure we'll get away with it. it IS your christening after all x

Saturday 5 May 2012

The lion, the witch and the kitchen cupboard.

i think i can see something at the back this cupboard.... maybe it's something good... no it's a furry fruit pastille!

Thursday 3 May 2012

big nana is the bestest

i love visiting big nama, i get to eat cake and chocolate!

but daddy made me clean up all my mess, boo!