Saturday 30 June 2012

true brit

sun out... top off! im a truly british boy after all. lewis thought i was crazy. sunny it mightve been, warm it wasnt x

egg on your face

my breakfast is looking at me. wierd... who knew my first dippy egg would be so entertaining? x

Thursday 28 June 2012

hanging with my girls

girls are alright but they can be realllllly annoying!

Sunday 24 June 2012

easter... june. go figure. my family are officially crazy. good chocolate tho x

Saturday 23 June 2012

me and mum

me and mum again! x

big slider

i dont get what mums problem is. i know the slide is quite big but i think im ready for it... so rubbish that im not allowed.
Watch "big slider" on YouTube

painterly pose

hmmmmm... the teacher told us to aim for a painting of the olympic rings. i, however, thought it was much better to mix all the colours into a lovely brown colour... and then eat them. mmmmmm, tasty!

Thursday 21 June 2012

chocolate face

well... what do you expect when you give me chocolate in the car to keep me quiet?

Wednesday 20 June 2012

how high can i go?

so, apparently the furniture has been put here for me to climb on. whodve thought it? no idea why.mum and dad were so cross x

Sunday 17 June 2012

the art of walking

i can stand... woo hoo! no holding on required. next step walking, watch this space x

dads day

happy dads day to my amazing dad! he IS pretty great i suppose x

Friday 15 June 2012

the next amazing stylist

right, well, mum says next have got a competition so we have to enter with a mood board (which is one of these apparently!) of my favourite summer look.  if i win then we can buy loads more stuff from there. its my favourite shop so hopefully i’ll be the best, what do you think?

to get this stuff just click the links: motown t, beatles t, hoody, jeans, shorts, shoes

Wednesday 13 June 2012

inner jack

so this is what the world looks like if you see it though a fish bowl. awesome x

Tuesday 12 June 2012

june showers x

have no idea why mum and dad kept running away from me. the shower is great fun!
Watch "June showers" on YouTube

Sunday 10 June 2012

you tube star!

wow... ive got my own tv channel! check out jackanddudley on youtube for loads of videos of me!

castles and deckchairs x

bouncy castles and deckchairs are awesome!

beside the seaside!

a train trip, the aquarium and the seaside. brighton for the day is exhausting! 

anxious the elephant

i think i liked her, but she was VERY big and VERY pink x

arcade fun x

on holiday again! and apparently there IS life after 7pm. woo hoo! luckily mia was there to hold my hand x

Saturday 9 June 2012

lucy and dave

yay... a visit to see cousins lucy and dave! theyre great, and me and alfie the dog had loads of fun! annoyingly though mum and dad made me go to bed so i missed out on the fun. rubbish. mind you, they all looked a bit ropey this morning so im not sure what they got up to without me to supervise x

Wednesday 6 June 2012

Krispies and painting x

krispie cake making and a spot of painting... perfect day. the cakes AND the paint tasted great!

Tuesday 5 June 2012

art attack

just thought id share my art wall so far with you! me, mum and dad have been working hard at it (well, i have anyway!) x

boy vs food

they call this a challenge? whatever. sausage, potato smiles, baked beans and an icecream... easy (and very tasty!) thanks very much smith and western x

Monday 4 June 2012

getting a leg over

whodve thought that climbing out of the bath could be soooooo funny?! mum and dad are getting a bit worried i think. today the bath, tomorrow the cot... hooray!

royal festival

so the queen is, like, REALLY important. she gets a street party, a festival (sort of) AND loads of boats and stuff. personally, i thought the boats were a bit boring. she should have come to the festival with us, much more fun x

Saturday 2 June 2012

happy jubilee!

i thought a photo with the queen was the highlight of my jubilee saturday, but it just got better and better! great outfit to wear, loads of cake and all my cousins to play with. brilliant. p.s. get my great outfit from next

me and madge

we're celebrating! no idea why or who this old lady is but theres loads of food here and even a swimming pool... hooray! i think its something to do with a jubilee?x

p.s. get my great tshirt from next

Friday 1 June 2012

the 2 kings

ok, so i know theres supposed to be 3 of us but me and harry were short of friends :(

p.s. messy monsters is great!