Monday 30 July 2012

Sunday 29 July 2012

Sunday chores...

daddy is a bit rubbish at cleaning so whenever mummy us away I have to clean up after him! a boys work is never done. think I deserve a nap after all this.


loving dads shades... good job the suns come out

a kiss for auntie kate x

awww... love you auntie kate. not sure about this bloke holding me tho x

olympic gold

stop the games! i know we're only one day in but ive already won x

Friday 27 July 2012

park life

the park and a picnic AGAIN? oh, go on then... if i must


9am and already me and mum have created a masterpiece! right, my work  here is done... im off for a nap x

Thursday 26 July 2012


mum and dad couldnt even be bothered to come and collect me from nursery today. good job uncle olly was there to save the day! we had loads of fun in the sunshine x

Monday 23 July 2012


mirrors are  great. you can see the front AND the back of me. amazing x

summertime x

a picnic in the park and a play in the sand. soooooo glad summers finally here!

Saturday 21 July 2012


a day at the races and i get to stay up... hooray! good job cos i made it to 9pm for todays photo challenge x


hooray! the olympics are coming. no idea what they are but i got a special flag to wave so all is good x

Thursday 19 July 2012

pet x

check out my new pet... great nana set mum a crochet challenge and just look who turned up! im naming him squiddly dudley the anemic (whatever that means) octopus x

Wednesday 18 July 2012


woo hoo.. i have MY VERY OWN chair. perfect for watching tv with a drink and my legs up after a hard day at nursery. mum and dad just have no idea how hard my life is x

big shoes

apparently i have big shoes to fill? i think they fit just fine, although walking is even trickier than usual x

Tuesday 17 July 2012

my addiction

photo challenge no 17. dad says my addiction is bars and blondes. i was more interested in the shiny red sign and why the grown ups think this place at the end of the garden is sooooo exciting x

Monday 16 July 2012

by the seaside

just us 3 and a day by the seaside. awesome. the sea is VERY big and VERY COLD tho x

Sunday 15 July 2012


...s and toes. mum found these today from when i was a baby. im all grown up now though x

waffle face

wow! why didnt anyone tell me I could eat the weird thing sticking out of my icecream? tasty x

Saturday 14 July 2012

all grown up

no idea why mums so upset. i thought not having a bottle AT ALL any more was a good thing, growing up and all that? seems me not having my night time one has sent her over the edge. oh well, she'll get over it.


oooooo...  i get it now. so youre supposed to build stuff with these weird bricks auntie holly gave me. why did noone tell me?

bubble boy

baths are great. sneaky suspicion mum used a bit too much bubble bath tho...

Friday 13 July 2012


standing up, that is! photo a day challenge is back on track... all thanks to today's trip to godstone farm x

tv addicts

well, what did the mums expect when they put timmy time on? its awesome!

Thursday 12 July 2012


boo. failed on yesterday's photo challenge 'letter'... mum reckons she had a nightmare time getting to the nursery to pick me up and so we didnt have time. todays challenge? 'texture'. however, i think we could have come up with a 'texture' photo more imaginative than toast. i suppose they cant all be brilliant tho x

Wednesday 11 July 2012

all grown up

dont worry about me mum... i can feed myself you know! x

Monday 9 July 2012

my favourite colour

my favourite colour? it's definitely yellow. or maybe green. or maybe red? confusing. so many colours, so little time x


wow  this phone is MASSIVE! or is it just that im quite small?! im not sure...

Sunday 8 July 2012

mr and mrs hinton.. be. well, thats what she thinks anyway. im totally going to play it cool for now x


woo hoo..  carpet picnics rock!

bedtime story

dont worry about me, i can put myself to bed. i mean seriously... what does a toddler need to do to get a bedtime story round here?

one year on...

check us out! one year on and we're still looking good. the triplets couldnt make it though... our numbers are definitely dwindling now we're getting on a bit x