Sunday 30 September 2012

gimme a kiss

i found this other guy called jack! he looks just like me. i thought he was so great i just had to give him a kiss!

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grannie and grampie

grandparents. you gotta love'em x

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big head

what? its too big? i think its just perfect thanks.

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loving the boat grandad x

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breakfast on the boat

weird. i went to sleep in the car and woke up on grandads boat. still... at least mum had a croissant handy for breakfast!

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Thursday 27 September 2012

me and my hareem

a sunny day in the park with my girls. whats not to like?!
#kidswag #kidstagram #childstyle

a lot of shoes!

which ones are my shoes? the best ones of course! (and the ones with my name on them i guess but lets forget about that bit) x

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Wednesday 26 September 2012

mohican time

really? this is a mohican apparently, according to auntie holly. im just not sure its a good look x

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hurry up mum!

seriously. a whole day at nursery and she cant even be bothered to pick me up. good job dad was around.

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Monday 24 September 2012

down at the farm

mum and dad went out WITHOUT me AGAIN. good job nanny, grandad and auntie holly were around to look after me!

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Sunday 23 September 2012

go bananas!

so far i can say all these words: dog, duck (after the pub obviously), shoes, sock, fish, book, bye, more, ta, no, mum and dad. so i dont see why 'banana' was such a big deal?!

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happy birthday... my dad. he IS pretty amazing after all i guess x

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daddys boy

happy birthday dad! love you (and my new rugby-ball seat) x

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Friday 21 September 2012

pizza boy

a lot of work for a pizza if you ask me but i guess it tasted ok x

lego monster

i cant see! where IS everyone?!
Watch "lego monster" on YouTube

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happy meal

well... no wonder they call it a happy meal. you get an ACTUAL TOY with your chips! happy doesnt even come close x

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Thursday 20 September 2012

greedy jack

apparently eating a banana, a piece of cheese, a yoghurt and a cream cracker when you get home from nursery (having already had 3 meals) is a bit greedy. have you SEEN the size of the portions they give me in that place? theyre TINY x

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Tuesday 18 September 2012

gorgeous me!

i know i know... adorable aren't i?

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lazy jack

ive told mum and dad... i dont get out of bed for any less than a million (chocolate buttons that is) x
Watch "lazy jack" on YouTube

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Sunday 16 September 2012

shark attack!

mum and dad reckon the harness on my new backpack means they can keep hold of me now... whatever.

new shoes!

check out my new shoes! what an AMAZING outfit. thanks clarks!
#jackanddudley #newshoes #clarks

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Saturday 15 September 2012

gone to the dogs

mum... this place has gone to the dogs!
#jackanddudley #jug #brunotheawesome

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chocolate pot

chocolate in a pot?! amazing.

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fun with auntie holly

mmm... a whole day with auntie holly, a massive plate of spaghetti and a bowl of ice cream. whats not to like?!

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woo hoo! bubbles are just the best!
#jackanddudley #bubbles #dinkydoodlers

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gingerbread jack

the gingerbread man i made is amazing. so amazing, in fact, that i took him with me for a nap. he looked a bit tired x

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identity crisis

mum... how many times do i have to tell you? im a BOY! x

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Thursday 13 September 2012

bye bye chris...

whhhaaaatttt? why didnt anyone tell me chris moyles was leaving?! i wouldve got my application in earlier! bye bye chris... hello dj jack!
@chrisdjmoyles #radio1 #djjack

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nose blower

i can TOTALLY blow my OWN nose, thankyou very much x
Watch "nose blower" on YouTube

Wednesday 12 September 2012

summer of fun!

so, apparently our summer of fun is at an end! well done team gb and hooray for the queen... its been fun. to celebrate, heres my best bits. and lets face it, its not all bad. the end of summer means its less sleeps til santa, yay!!! x

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Monday 10 September 2012


did you know... food actually grows on trees! this place is AMAZING!

2 blondes and a baby

looked after by 2 blonde attractive women? definitely the way forward i think x

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Friday 7 September 2012

bye bye harry!

whhaaattt? harrys leaving??!! why didnt anyone tell me?! harry... its been awesome. have a good time in singapore, eat noodles and enjoy!

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triplet missing

mum... i think me and lewis have lost one of the triplets! there were DEFINITELY 3 of them when we got here x

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Thursday 6 September 2012

Olympic park!

apparently one day i'll be pleased i was here. im not so sure... mum and dad seemed pretty pleased with themselves tho x
Watch "olympic park!" on YouTube

Tuesday 4 September 2012

shower kiss

mum, i think im stuck to the shower screen. and all i wanted was a kiss!

Monday 3 September 2012

happy birthday mia!

mias really getting on a bit now. fives pretty old if you ask me!

dancing jack

musical statues? im not sure i get it. i mean, just when youre getting into the groove they turn the music off. weird.
Watch "dancing jack" on YouTube

farm hand

busy day. i thought we were going for a lovely day out but apparently there was work to do.
Watch "farm hand" on YouTube

Saturday 1 September 2012

bathtime at grannie and grampies... amazing! love u x

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dirty jack

youve got to ask yourself one question: do I feel lucky? Well, do ya, punk?