Wednesday 31 October 2012

funny dad

dad just cracks me up x
Watch "funny dad" on YouTube

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jack o lantern

buy a pumpkin and spend aaagggeeessss cutting a hole in it. i just dont get it. and whos jack? oh yes... its me! x

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Sunday 28 October 2012

the pumpkin king

ok... so apparently i had to meet the pumpkin king before we bought one for halloween. he looks a bit off colour tho if you ask me.

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me and my monkey

ive got a new friend... all the way from somewhere called america! i have no idea where that is but i think hes great. thanks galina x

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wigwam bam

i woke up from my nap and there was a whole new house in my bedroom! the perfect place for bedtime stories, shame mum and dad are a bit too big for it x

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who you gonna call?

i aint afraid of no ghost. oh yes, i AM the ghost... totally unfair. good party tho!
Watch "who you gonna call?" on YouTube

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my girl

a whole morning with caitin cos mum and dad couldnt be bothered to get a taxi home last night. brilliant!
Watch "my girl" on YouTube
Watch "my girl 2" on YouTube

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Saturday 27 October 2012

wheres robin?

i mean seriously, wheres robin when you need him? the witch was ok but the spiders totally freaked me out.
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Wednesday 24 October 2012

i can talk!

amazing... i can talk! who wouldve thought it?!
Watch "i can talk!" on YouTube

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sandcastles, sun and tapas

phew. i am exhausted... grannie and grampie just ran me riot on holiday. and to think all i went for was a bit of rest and relaxation.

ps. thanks a LOT to jerry (whoever he is) for letting us use his amazing holiday house!

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Sunday 14 October 2012

upper class

upper class monarch... amazing. extra leg room, inflight entertainment and a snack. the perfect start to my holiday.

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Saturday 13 October 2012

lollipop lollipop

mum wont share her lollipop. rubbish x

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german jack

thanks for the great outfit from germany auntie becca. i LOVE it x
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Wednesday 10 October 2012

hungry jack

mum, how many times do i have to tell you? i know i get breakfast at nursery but im hungry NOW... ok?

Sunday 7 October 2012

nice wellies!

loving my new wellies! thanks a million grannie x

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Saturday 6 October 2012

future architect

today megabloks, tomorrow a skyscraper. watch out world!
Watch "future architect" on YouTube
#megabloks #jackanddudley

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something fishy

something smells a bit fishy round here. oh yes... its my amazing new fish! x

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freezing jack

what do you mean the baby pools shut? the big pool is FREEZING... good job mum had a big fluffy towel.

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moctober x

well, i just couldnt wait til movember to wear my awesome new tshirt! thanks mum x #movember #kidswag #childstylefile #jackanddudley

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Thursday 4 October 2012

five years clear x

hooray! grannies just the breast cancer five year all clear. shes an awesome grannie, she looks amazing and mum says we should all be VERY proud of her. grannie... you rock. now, wheres your handbag? i need some chocolate!    
ps thanks a billion to breast cancer care for helping soooo many people just like my grannie. please donate if you can x

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Wednesday 3 October 2012

puddle jumping

i had no idea that jumping in puddles could be so much fun! apparently all i need now are some wellies... which spoils the fun a bit if you ask me. i LIKE my feet a bit soggy.

Watch "puddle jumping" on YouTube

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Monday 1 October 2012

next day delivery

right... now if we can just get hold of dads credit card in the next hour, toysrus guarantee next day delivery. awesome x

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missing pizza

i have no idea what shes so happy about. i wanted coke, not water. and the pizza isn't even here yet! good job i like strada so much its worth the wait. 10 mins is a lot to ask of little people!

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safety in numbers...

...thats what i think anyway. the more toys you have with you, the better you sleep. this ESPECIALLY applies to the snowglobe. an absolute necessity for a good nap x

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