Wednesday 27 February 2013

Sunday 24 February 2013

my perfect sunday

cuddles with grannie and a spot of cooking with grampie = my perfect sunday

little kickers!

my first little kickers class... apparently ill learn to love it. im not sure i'll EVER love a 9am start on a sunday but i'll give it a go! x

down in one

drinking games with dad! p.s. dont worry... its only grapefruit juice!
Watch "down in one" on YouTube

Saturday 23 February 2013

1ds 6th member

i dont think mum was expecting to see me when she went to the 1d concert... imagine her surprise when i turned up on stage!
1d rock x
@1d @onedirection #1d

Friday 22 February 2013

a spot of pampering

nipper snippers have got it just right... i mean, find me someone who DOESNT  want their hair cut sat in a vintage car with cbeebies on the tv!? 

a treat from mia

biscuits from mia? this relationship gets better by the day!!

7 in a bed

what do you mean this is too many toys to take to bed... who knows when you might need to call on a monkey, a couple of lions, a rabbit, a bear and a cowboy?

friends in high places

a big thank you to my new boys-toy-buyer friend... my new playdoh ice cream shoppe is awesome x

Monday 18 February 2013

colour me happy

mum and dad reckon putting the @playdoh in the right pots makes me a child genius. i think its just common sense. plus i only had about a 90% success rate so i think theyre being a bit over generous with the praise. i didnt want to be toooooo good after all.

Watch "colour me happy" on YouTube

brave little me

develop a manky eye, have a trip to the doctors and you get an awesome sticker! brilliant. apparently i was very brave x

Sunday 17 February 2013

dont tell mum...

ice cream for lunch?! the result of nanna and great nana being in charge... brilliant!

happy shopper

i thought i was visiting nanna for a HOLIDAY... not to do the chores!

are you being served

apparently my new job is to make the tea. from a plastic tea pot. as if x

Friday 15 February 2013

time with nanna and grandpa

looks like mum and dad have decided to have fun WITHOUT me this weekend. ive promised ill be good for nanna... we'll see x

Sunday 10 February 2013

a right good feed

thanks for lunch nanny and grandad... the ice cream was definitely the best bit x
Watch "a right good feed" on YouTube

pillow talk

the resemblance i have to the pillows is uncanny.. if i lie realllllly still theyll never guess im here.

lunch with dad

a trip on train (aka choo choo) to meet dad for lunch... perfect day out!

Saturday 9 February 2013


dad... ive been reminding you for AGES that its your anniversary today, i cant believe you forgot. good job im around now to smooth things over with a handmade gift x

mum and jack

she just wont stop kissing me. this is getting embarrassing x

working jack

new looks ethical sourcing policy is great... absolutely no child labour at all. oh, apart from me of course!

Friday 8 February 2013

great british bake off


my cupcakes are a masterpiece... im definitely a contender for the next series x

Tuesday 5 February 2013

slippery slope

woo hoo! first time EVER sleeping in mum and dads bed. i just knew if i persevered id manage it before i turned two. no idea why they seem so tired, i had a great nights sleep!

Sunday 3 February 2013

my first sleepover

sleepovers = brilliant! especially with mia. not sure about sharing my bed tho x

mmmmm sweetcorn

sweetcorn and marmite... a match made heaven. love it, definitely!

breakfast in bed

apparently we're spoiling mum with breakfast in bed for mum... and its not even her birthday! theres something wrong about this dad.

mums at it again...

oh no... mums making tshirts again!
#jackanddudley #fashionkids #babystylist #kidstagram

hedgehog making

who knew you could make a hedgehog out of a lump of this stuff called clay and some spaghetti?! brilliant... #dinky doodlers rocks!

jacks house

come on summer, hurry up! im just desperate to spend ALL my time in my new playhouse x