Sunday 30 June 2013

pimms oclock

woo hoo its pimms clock! only for some reason mum wont let me share it... oh well, better fish out all the strawberries then x

watch 'pimms oclock' on YouTube

garden pool

weve gone up in the world... dads installed a pool in the garden!

watch 'garden pool' on YouTube

im a regular!

second visit to the #rainforest cafe! thanks nanna and bampar! x


me and mate thomas x

watch 'merry-go-thomas' on YouTube

Wednesday 26 June 2013

tickling grandpa

grandpas here to stay again hooray!! now if only he'd stop tickling me...

dough boy

making bread with dad rocks x

Saturday 22 June 2013

flowers for mum!

welcome home flowers for mum... i thought i should, even if she DID leave me for a week x

stuck jack

hurry home mum... grandads stuck me on this bridge and left me!

Sunday 16 June 2013

mummys going to china

a toddlers thought process:

mum: mummys going to china jack
jack: noooooooo mummy!
mum: yes jack, but mummy loves you lots and will be back very soon. give mummy a kiss.
jack: noooooo mummy china! daddy go china! no kiss!
5 second pause
jack: want peppa pig on

oh well x

boy vs swan

no idea what he was so cross about...

biscuit success

a busy afternoon with mum and dad!

ketchup face

every small boy needs  a #happymeal occasionally!

here i am!

no idea what mum was worried about, i was just having a bit of time inside x

all loved up

a cwtch with caitin xxx

Friday 14 June 2013

buying time

me and mum LOVE the ipad. she get to have a shower and i get some quiet time with #peppapig ... #everyonesawinner x

Thursday 13 June 2013

a day out with auntie becca

#godstonefarm with auntie becca is great but exhausting... we even found some piglets whove stolen my birthday!

Sunday 9 June 2013

weve got wheels!

ok, so its a shopping trolley and a buggy... but its definitely a start!

Saturday 8 June 2013

they did it!

hooray for mum and grannie... 20 miles on the @ribbonwalk completed successfully, not sure they BOTH needed a kiss from me tho?

thanks everyone for sponsoring them, thats another £1800 raised this year. altogether over 5 years thats 200 miles theyve walked and about £10,000 raised!!! apparently thats a long way and a LOT of money x

lean back

a day with dad and auntie becca... amazing x

Friday 7 June 2013

jacks daniel moment

i can definitely give mr craig a run for his money! amazing day at frensham great pond... sun, sand, picnic and ice cream = a very messy jack!

Watch 'filling up' on YouTube

Thursday 6 June 2013

horsey horsey

me and dad found a pony! pllleeeaaassseee can i keep him?!

sponsor mum!

right everyone, apparently mum and grannie are walking the 20 MILE @ribbonwalk on saturday for #breastcancercare! last chance to sponsor using link below:

Wednesday 5 June 2013

Tuesday 4 June 2013

in-boat entertainment

nanny and grandads boat is top-class, its even got its own cinema room! now, wheres the popcorn?!

water park!

amazing park on brighton seafront... hurray for the summer (and good job mum bought some swimming shorts) !

Monday 3 June 2013

lunch in the sun!

the food and location were great... shame about the queue :(

candy floss, cars and slot machines!

i love brighton pier x

marina life x

seaside walking with dad x

boating around

me and my mates are loving the boat grandad!!

a very dry drusillas

#drusillas- animals, banana boats, thomas and a spot of swimming... all in one day! amazing. and even better, i did it all in my new pants... WITHOUT any accidents! awesome x

p.s. thanks for all my presents nanny and grandad! i definitely needed all 3 of them x