Monday 30 September 2013

measuring up

just checking youve got it right dad.

lie back and 'lax

laxing with my 'pypad'... perfect sunday morning x

growing old disgracefully

wow... getting as old as grandad looks AWESOME. you get your very own limbo kit and pole dancing equipment! #oldagerocks


ive said it before, i'll say it again. #theyshouldhavepickedme x

generation game

seriously... is this whats in store mum? scary!! #fourgenerations together x


very age appropriate, very safe, and TOTALLY cool. grandad rocks.

Thursday 26 September 2013

rudolph the blue nosed reindeer

bit early a christmas jumper but mum reckons i'll grow into it in time. i'm not bothered as long as his nose keeps flashing... thanks #newlook !

Monday 23 September 2013

happy birthday dad!

massive ice cream, cake AND candles, dads really got this birthday thing sorted. as everyone knows though, licking the bowl of cake mix is DEFINITELY the best bit x

Sunday 22 September 2013

weekend with grannie and grampie

thanks for a lovely weekend grannie and grampie! not sure this slides big enough for the 2 of us tho gramps x

Saturday 21 September 2013


conversations at nursery:

lily: 'my mummys having a baby'
jack: 'well, my mummys having TWO babies!!!'

showing off aged 2 1/2 x

Friday 20 September 2013

tea for two

hooray! auntie @hollie_sanders44 and uncle steve have finally moved into #redhill. which is awesome as it means tea, biscuits and a bit of peace from mum x

#pirate apparently

a homemade pirate hat DEFINITELY needs a dip in the bath.

Tuesday 17 September 2013

new additions!

world... meet 'black' and 'twinkle toes'. i cant say im totally sold on the idea of twins but mum and dad seem pretty pleased with themselves. as long as they keep the names ive picked tho i think we'll be fine xxx

sofa jumping

Sunday 15 September 2013

rainy walk

ok... theyre officially weird. who goes for a walk in the rain? my crazy family of course x

teddy bears picnic

i mean, they hadnt eaten in months... i suddently realised they must have been starving!

Saturday 14 September 2013

family fun day

thanks @esteelauder for the family fun day... loving dads new job!!

bath talking

finally some quiet time, and a chance for a chat. im the only one who talks any sense round here anyway.

hairdresser jack

dont worry dad, i'll cut your hair. im pretty sure itll look great, and VERY even. honest. i'll even clean up afterwards too x

dads shoes

dads shoes are much more practical than mine for a trip to the garage with my #gruffalo puzzle.

Friday 6 September 2013

dinner date

dinner with caitin. she cracks me up x

ladies man

ok lads, which one should i go for? the school girl or her younger sister? decisions decisions x

shhhh... dont tell

sneaky mcdonalds with mum... shhhh dont tell dad. he'll be sooooo jealous!

gone to the dogs

mum, the size of them doesnt make up for the real thing. i'll be asking for a pet soon enough... and fish DONT count.

Sunday 1 September 2013

future gymnast

oh dear... looks like fridays from now on are going to be pretty exhausting. gymnastics class really takes it out of you!! x

camping success!

camping... my new favourite holiday! campfires, marshmallows, tree climbing, bbqs and frisbee. whats not to like. plus NO washing... hooray! result- one very dirty but very happy jack x