Friday 31 January 2014

mums back!

2 years to the day since mum left me to go back to work and she's back hurrah! apparently its something to do with our impending twins, i think its just cos she missed me tooooo much x

Tuesday 28 January 2014


@jamieoliver check out my #recipeoftheday - lentil, pasta, rice and flour flapjacks. mmmmm, yummy x

Monday 27 January 2014

celebrating in style!

awesome birthday celebrations for grandads 60th birthday... topped off in true style with a run in with a pub radiator. lets see how #myfirstshiner progresses x

happy birthday leo...

...and as usual, last man sitting at the party table!

Saturday 25 January 2014

practice practice practice

i think im doing a much better job of this twins thing than mum! i LOVE martha and ella x

Thursday 23 January 2014

national rail

hurry up #nationalrail , me and dinosaur are waiting for dad and the trains delayed AGAIN! #wehaventgotallday x

Wednesday 22 January 2014

mr show off!

32 week scan and we twins are doing fine. 4lb 2oz and 3lb 8oz, no wonder mum is tired! im a bit over all these scans now, but 'black' on the other hand couldnt wait to show off for the camera! x

its all in the prep!

3 in the bath is a bit of a squeeze, not sure mum and dad have thought this through! guess its good to practice tho x

baby thomas and me x

Oh, and his mum and my dad of course. apparently theyre friends too x

Monday 20 January 2014

Saturday 18 January 2014

fashion icon

i dont know what the problem is... i think these new clothes that auntie julie bought round suit me perfectly. mum, we'll have to buy some new ones for my soon-to-be sister cos these are MINE x

Friday 17 January 2014

Thursday 16 January 2014

8 weeks to go!

apparently 'black and twinkletoes' aka us #twins have still got 8 weeks left until we're allowed out. we're not conviced theres enough room in here tho... come on mum!

replacing dad

looks like its official, im all set to replace dad at @esteelauder. if he's lucky i'll let him stay as my assistant x

we're home alone!

hurrah! mum and dad have gone away and left auntie becca in charge. result? one very tired me and one even more tired auntie becca x

Sunday 12 January 2014

Sunday 5 January 2014

a jolly good birthday

practice makes perfect

ive decided its probably best to prepare fir the arrival of my twin brother and sister. black and twinkletoes had better appreciate it, looking after 2 babies is hard work! x

Saturday 4 January 2014

the gruffalo!

my first london show... @thegruffalolive was awesome! and followed by lunch at #jamiesdiner = great day x


mum thinks im gorgeous... i think shes biased but i guess i'll take the compliment!

grannie & grampies

busy day at grannie and grampies... watching tv, some surgery (on grannie) and a bit of magic! phew, im exhausted x

chased by the birds

Thursday 2 January 2014

happy new year!

so mum and dad thought we'd go to sleep so they could enjoy their nye party, however leo and i made it to midnight (which was apparently the point if the entire evening)... hurrah! not sure what the big deal was tho so i then fell asleep in front of the fireworks. mum and dad reckon 2014 is going to be a big deal for us, something to do with the twins arriving? x