Friday 28 February 2014

sit down and EAT!

seriously... when will people learn? you sit, you eat. there is NOTHING more important than food. EVER.

cake attempt no 1!

i reckon the 'peppa pig' cake pops mum made for my birthday cake are a bit dubious looking... must try harder next time, practice makes perfect. good job the taste ok tho!

Monday 24 February 2014


roast dinner with grannie and grampie, rounded off nicely with a massive icecream. #greatwaytospendasunday x

jacks dragon

i officially LOVE my @happyhopperz dragon. brilliant company for a #mondaymorningliein . now all we need is one each for our impending twin arrivals and were all set. not sure why mum doesnt see it as a priority for the new babies?!

summers here!

sunglasses time hooray! (and a sneaky trip to @macdonalds for a #happymeal ) x

feeding the birds

amazing trip to @squiresgc crawley to make my bird feeder at their #create&grow workshop. plus a little playtime with auntie holly. who knew a garden centre could be such a fun place to be?!

Sunday 23 February 2014

chaos at grandads!!

sleepovers at nanny and grandads are exhausting!! in fact, i had to have a quick nap just to prepare myself for the evening ahead :)

Saturday 22 February 2014

teatime playdate

a day at nursery followed by teatime at leos house... a toddlers life is a busy one x

one too many?

hold on a minute... i thought mum said we were having 2 babies, not 3? Oh, its ok, apparently these arent our ones, phew! ella, martha and jenson are awesome tho x

Thursday 20 February 2014

hard graft

i thought mum being off work meant more playtime... instead it appears i have chores to do. shocking.

ice cream kisses x

anyone would think i quite like mum... sharing my ice cream with her and EVERYTHING x

down at the farm

awesome trip to the farm with kev. muddy puddles EVERYWHERE, resulting in an emergency outfit change. mum seems to just KNOW when new clothes will be required... how strange :)

squidgy play

dad and kev look like theyre pkanning something. better keep an eye on them.

me and mum

just chilling at lunch xxx

whos turn is it anyway?

thanks for the dinosaur book uncle kev... looks like you and dad enjoyed it a bit more than me tho? x

Friday 14 February 2014

be my valentine

sending out a big hug to all my bestest people today! in my very own words:

great nana
my becca
the doggies
...and peppa!

(note to mum: never underestimate the influence of childrens tv!)

Tuesday 11 February 2014

my new friend logan...

ok, its always a bit concerning when mum tells me ive got a 'friend' coming round to who ive never heard of before, however i'll let her off cos a playdate with logan was brilliant!

Sunday 9 February 2014

anniversary masterpieces

apparently spending the afternoon making life sized portraits of me and dad wasnt what mum and dad had in mind when they got married 6 years ago. i have no idea why x

my girl

yay shes back! and this time on MY turf. bianca coming to babysit me is literally the #BESTTHINGEVER !!!

How we've changed...

and how time flies... #missingharry this time tho!

2 years 10 months old (february 2014):

2 years old (april 2013):

3 months old (july 2011):

Saturday 8 February 2014

impromptu spa day...

...thanks to mia. im ok with the blue but the pink might be a bit much. #metrosexual x

pizza boy!

@pizzaexpress is awesome... stickers AND a hat, definitely #bestkidsmeal so far. good job i was wearing my stripey tee, hopefully theyll give me a job. big love to thomas too, a great lunchtime companion x

Monday 3 February 2014

mum 1- jack 0

first monday mums off work and shes managed to fool me into an afternoon nap. must try harder next time x