Sunday 30 March 2014

like father like son

this twin thing is easy dad... you take one baby and i'll take the other. sorted x


grandad can fly!!! who knew? awesome x


a mothers day family picnic was the perfect opportunity to wear #myfirstdress ... thanks @babygap !

best mothers day pressie ever... apparently a group nap. we think mum needs to get out more x

Friday 28 March 2014

peppa school

right lily, this is the tv and this is peppa pig. youre gonna LOVE it someday soon i promise x

boys stink x

seriously george, i told you on the inside and i'll tell you again, you really must do something about your breath. boys stink x

multi tasking

seems mums got bedtime sorted. she looks a teeeeeny bit tired tho, not sure why x

virgin babies!

first trip to the @virginatlantic headquarters... today crawley, tomorrow @disneyland hooray!

Thursday 27 March 2014

sibling love

i totally LOVE my new babies x

martha and me

martha rocks x

naughty grampie

now grampie, i dont care if we're in the pub, mum says thrres ALWAYS a naughty step available. now sit there for 2 minutes and think about what youve done.

Monday 24 March 2014

3 in their beds

7:30pm and we're all asleep in bed. mum and dad totally have this 3 kids thing sorted (or so they think :) )

tunnel love

a bit of quiet time from the craziness that is my life right now!

Sunday 23 March 2014

Big bed

our first night in a big bed was great, there was so much room. not sure where mum and dad slept though!

daniel craig

honestly... the resemblance is just uncanny.

angry george

apparently the double buggy didnt fit through the door, resulting in the 2 of us having to SHARE the changing table in the GIRLS toilet. lily seems fine with it... i, on the other hand, am fuming.

a jolly good time

untie jolly are AMAZING X

Friday 21 March 2014

double trouble

grandads definitely getting the hang of this double-feeding thing x

Thursday 20 March 2014

home alone

Uh oh... dads back at work and mums in charge, bring on afternoon naps and massive cots then. mum says we'd better get used to it. we say come back dad!!

princess lily

boys are in their beds... im in mum and dads bed! girls rule x

Tuesday 18 March 2014

child genius

good news! ive been picked by my nursery owner as perfect a candidate for her case study due to my exceptional child development yay!! thought i should therefore get working on some new subject matter... rhyming ;). not perfect yet i know but i'll keep working on it x

all about ME!

i LOVE that mum and dads guilt is getting the better of them... my new twin brotger and sister arriving = a day out for me hurrah! thought it was a bit much tho to pose all 3 of us as dinosaurs (aka mum and dads little monsters) xxx

Monday 17 March 2014

dogs life

a boy and his best friend... meet 'bella', the stony-faced-tshirt-wearing dog x

Sunday 16 March 2014

lucy and katie

thanks a million lucy and katie... glad SOMEONE was around to make sure we didnt starve x

lazy george

not the most flattering photo of me so far... thanks a million mum :(

Saturday 15 March 2014

birthday mum

mums birthday means another trip to the pub hurrah! this time for breakfast tho... bring on the milkshake and orange juice x

jack: (on leaving said pub) 'we had a lovely time there, didnt we?!'


mum reckons shes got this 'feeding 2 babies' thing sorted. hmmm, we'll see x

Friday 14 March 2014

a glimpse of the future

fast forward 15 years and dad reckons i'll be in this position on a regular basis. no idea what he means.

grannie friday

woo hoo... every friday with grannie from now on hooray! roll on a summer of picnics, bubbles and afternoon naps x

not enough hands

jack: 'mummy, i dont have enough hands!
mum: ' tell me about it jack!'

all the grandparents

apparently the arrival of my twin brother and sister means a day with ALL my amazing grandparents! lily and george, meet grannie, grampie, nanny, grandad, nanna and grandpa! youre gonna LOVE them x

Thursday 13 March 2014

double trouble

no idea why this photo is soooo necessary for everyone?!

Wednesday 12 March 2014


seriously lily, gerroff me!! after all, those extra 9oz youve got compared to me are REALLY heavy.

family tea

thank goodness for @johnlewisretail . we made it out on day 6 for a family tea with me and the #twins ! hooray... see, easy peasy.

first trip to the pub!

our very first trip to the pub at one week old... thanks to the @curious_pig intheparlour for making it a good one!

Tuesday 11 March 2014


finally a quiet day... big brother seems to have disappeared off somewhere leaving us to chill with mum and dad. awesome x