Monday 29 September 2014

A day trip with mum

dad and the babies are away, time for mum and me to have a day out! Train ride and cinema trip, awesome x

model babies!

george and lily, aka @tommeetippee_uk models! x

Happy birthday dad!

Happy birthday to an awesome dad... from all 3 of us (shame george and lily are too little to stay up for the cake unveiling! x

mixing it up

whodve thought it? Red and yellow make orange, blue and yellow make green, blue and red make purple... genius x

Monday 22 September 2014

Jack the artiste

an uncanny likeness of mum and dad methinks.

cazy jack

You gotta love a macdonalds milkshake x

wolves tea party

What do you mean, you can see the wolves who came to our tea party? Mummy wolf, daddy wolf and baby wolf... obviously.

twin lovin'

Don't worry sis, I'll look after you x


The ipad is a wonderful thing. #sosaysmum

book worms

George,  just get your hand out of the way will you? I'm trying to read.

Tuesday 16 September 2014

sorry george!

Well... might as well start as we mean to go on bruv!
sliding with my bruv!:


Last days of summer... Good job there's a park right outside our front door!

making babies...

Thoughts whilst colouring in the car waiting for a friend to turn up:

Jack: 'mummy, are you good at drawing people?'
Mum: 'not really Jack no'
Jack: 'You're  good at making babies though aren't you mummy?'
Mum: 'Yes jack!'

Ha ha ha x

Wednesday 10 September 2014

makeshift bumbo

who knew that the sandpit would double up as a makeshift bumbo? and who said managing 2 babies and a toddler would be tricky? we're busy sitting, jacks busy making sand-cakes and mum can put her feet up hurrah!

Monday 8 September 2014

future olympian

Today the local swimming pool, tomorrow the Olympics.

Saturday 6 September 2014


finally we're big enough for a swing each hooray! x

dairylea vs broccoli

How come she gets a dairylea sandwich and I just get broccoli? TOTALLY unfair :(

lunchtime entertainment

big brothers are great for lunchtime entertainment!

lunchtime singsong:

Friday 5 September 2014

self - sufficient

right then, looks like im feeding myself from now on then x

bestest great nana

this one's for our very poorly great nana. we love u great nana xxx
Bestest great nana:

Wednesday 3 September 2014