Thursday 27 November 2014

Marshmallow me x

Yep that's me... striking resemblance to a marshmallow. Brilliant.

Monday 24 November 2014

a phonic breakfast

Yes that's right... absolutely no interest in spelling until mum made me a breakfast that spelt my name. Oh, and I was of course able to tell her how to spell it. I mean, I definitely KNOW the letters, it's just writing them is soooo boring!

frozen duplo!

See... It IS possible to build a frozen castle from duplo.

Sunday 23 November 2014

Monday 17 November 2014

Where do babies come from?

Jack: mummy, you just licked my lolly!
Mum: that's ok Jack,  I did make you after all!
Jack: how did you make me?
Mum: I grew you in my tummy
Jack: did daddy help?
Mum: yes jack, a bit.
Jack: did daddy put me in your tummy?
Mum: yes jack
Jack: how did he put me there mummy?
Mum: errr...
Jack: was it by magic mummy?
Mum: something like that jack yes!

Epic day

Soft play, swimming and then a trip to the doctors... just us 3 and mum and all done without a car. Easy!! Xx

crazy hair

Lily, have you SEEN the state of your hair?!

Minion me...

Mum's little minion!

We love london!

Another weekend, another day trip! London Eye (didn't look much like an eye to me), the aquarium, the south bank Christmas Market and tea at wahaca... and then a sleep on the way home,  obviously x

David who?

Seriously mum, who IS this guy?

5 kids later...

Mum and one of her bestest friends, 5 kids on! Looks easy to us...

Childcare on a shoestring

Me and Bethany have totally got this childcare thing sorted. Shame we're not being paid tho.

Lunch date with great grandad

Twins do lunch...

Girl with the balloon

Just don't tell big brother, the balloon is his, after all!


It is PERFECT NORMAL to want to watch frozen with my new frozen drawings. They LOVED it just as much as me :)

Feeder jack

Come on lily, eat up!

artist jack

Looks just like them I reckon! Xx

Monday 10 November 2014

Jumping george

Oh right I get it now... totally figured out what this 'jumperoo' thing is for, apparently the clues in the title?

Jumping George!:

exhausted Hintons

Big day out at @hobbledown = 5 very tired hintons!!