Wednesday 25 February 2015

Boys and trains

I'll show you how the trains work jack x


I was getting quite attached to the tufts behind my ears. Apparently they're not a good look tho. Shame x

Tuesday 24 February 2015

Dressing lily

Something makes me think mum likes having a girl to dress? These hair clips are just tooooo annoying tho x


We love a good book.

Swinging around

Let's face it, with 2 of us in tow everything else in the park is a bit tricky for mum!

Rock my style

Totally rocking my new tutu x

Chinese new year!

The year of the goat. Or, if you don't like goats, pigs. I like them better x

Thursday 19 February 2015

9 kids and counting

Well, lily may not have been impressed with having so many kids round for lunch, but me and George loved it! X

Pancake day!

There's a whole day JUST for pancakes! Awesome.


Yes mia don't worry. I will DEFINITELY wear a 'shite' and gel my hair for our date.  Love u xxx

Passing time

It's getting to the witching hour (whatever that is), so mums decided to distract us with a spot of painting. She reckons it's a genius plan to keep us quiet. We'll see.

Another park!

Hanging out with Leo and Alfie rocks x


What are these freaky things on my feet?! X

Chalk and cheese

Miss goody two shoes over there hasn't split a drop. I, on the other hand, am a bit of a mess :)

Tuesday 17 February 2015

Lunch guest

Apparently life for mum, dad and kate used to be a bit different. Definitely not as great tho we think! X

Dirty george

Mum, how do you work the dishwasher? George needs a wash x

Sunday 15 February 2015

All set for Ali!

New car seats arrived for our new Nanny Ali to start hurrah! Now just have to get them all in her car :) xxx

Thursday 12 February 2015


Well mum, that's was you get for leaving three (nearly) 4 year olds on their own upstairs while you enjoyed the peace and quiet!

Rubbish circus

Apparently this place is called 'piccadilly circus'. Shame there's no clowns. Rubbish x