Monday 30 March 2015

New Nanny

Ok so apparently we've entered a new phase of childcare and seem to have acquired a new Nanny? We thought 3 was already enough but apparently Ali is a different sort of nanny. One who makes handprint easter bunnies, gives us a free rein with a paint brush, makes us giggle and sorts out lily's crazy hair... hurrah!

Hanging out with Martha

I've swapped Lily and George for a bigger one x


Finally... my hair is long enough for an updo! To be worn OUT of the house. Awesome x

Sunday 29 March 2015

Little street

You gotta love @little-street. Especially when dressed as batman/superman hybrid and a  summertime frog. Even the babies were fans!

Feeding time

The mums were chatting too much so me and Lewis had to step up and feed the babies.  Typical.

I love my trampoline

I mean... its so great. Especially when teamed with a hair clip and some beads x

Nannas nursery!

A belated post...

We've got an awesome nanna...  coming all the way from Wales EVERY WEEK for TWO MONTHS to look after us so mum  can go to work. And what a two months it's been... A few trips to the woods, a few more parks, some great lunches out, a trip to the farm AND a few times when she managed to get a nap from all 3 of us. Mum wants to know the secret, not sure why xx

Wednesday 25 March 2015

New wheels

Got ourselves a car... awesome. Just one question, who's going to be the driver?! X

Interesting dinner

Well, dinner didn't start well at nanny's (raw onions) but it ended brilliantly. Who knew Nutella and ice cream was so delicious?!

Park life

Loving the park!

Secret lunch!

A secret lunch and play in the park before we collect the big brother... shhh don't tell!

Cheeky babies

A morning with mum = a chance to be cheeky x

Houdini george

How many times do I have to tell them?  I don't want the pyjamas OR the sleeping bag on. I WILL find a way to get out of them.

Lazy drinker

Just call me lazy x

Perfect olaf

Apparently I make a great olaf. I'll take their word for it, I have no idea who he is x

Family day x

No day out at the seaside is complete without a rocket, mummy/George pig, a couple of dinosaurs, a box troll and a snow globe x