Saturday 26 September 2015

A proper party!

Jack: Mummy, I'm writing a list
Mum: What's a list of jack?
Jack: The people I'm inviting to my birthday party
Mum: Jack, your birthday is not for another 7 months
Jack: Yes but I want to write a list
Mum: So you can get organised?
Jack: Yes mummy.
Mum: So how many people are you inviting Jack?
Jack: 29,000.
Mum: That's quite a lot Jack
Jack: Ok, maybe just 100,000 then.
Mum: Better start saving then.

Wednesday 23 September 2015

Monday 21 September 2015

3 too many...

i don't know why dad was so upset that there was now 4 of us... i thought it would be great fun!

2nd time round

Same tee, different boy, 2012 vs 2015. But who looks like more trouble?! You decide.


Got the hang of this biking thing. If only they'd told me how great it was a bit sooner!


Totally love not being strapped into my buggy. Shame it doesn't happen very often.

Discovery centre

Why haven't we been here before? You can build a WHOLE HOUSE, spend hours soaking yourself in water and finish up by building a fort. Brilliant. When can we go again?

Date night at last!

Hold on a minute... how come mum and dad are out without us?! And are looking so happy about it?!

Table dancer

Playgroup in a pub? Great find mum. Shame I had to stop George from dancing on the tables, wonder where he gets that from?!

George goes vintage

Gotta love some vintage converse, circa 2011. Thanks untie jolly, jacks old Christmas pressie still has some life hurrah! X

Saturday 12 September 2015

Naughty george

Oh dear. Apparently biting jack cos he wouldn't let me play with his toys wasn't the best idea. The naughty step sucks.

Too kool for skool

Say no more x

From babygros to school ties!

From baby gros to school ties... four and a half years older and still as gorgeous as ever! x

Paddling and pirates

Settling in at school week= a week off work for mum and a sneaky afternoon for us making 'pirates' and paddling. Shame.

Just lily

OK george, you may have got a morning swimming with mum, but my date with her totally beat yours... not that there's a competition or anything.

Just george

Woo hoo! Finally a day out just me and mum!