Thursday 28 January 2016

Sibling love

Brothers are just soooo clingy x

Lily the boss

George... I'll figure out the plan and you carry it out. OK?

Double trouble

Where to next George? I'm pretty certain mum's not watching so I reckon we can go crazy!

Grannie Sunday

So... Grannie Friday became Grannie Monday, which it seems has now change to Grannie Sunday. To be honest, we don't care what day we see Grannie and Grampie, so long as there's chocolate biscuits and cuddles involved at all times x

Wednesday 27 January 2016

Birthday season!

And it's official... birthday season has begun! Happy birthday Leo x

Family day!

A trip to the seaside in mid-winter.  Brilliant idea.

Saturday 23 January 2016

Babysitting dream

Seems mum and dad are enjoying having live-in childcare too. No idea why!

Boys at work

Mum hadn't done the washing so we thought we'd better step up!

Mum and jack

Having an au pair means lots of time for me and mum. Apparently I need to be happy about that. I'm doing a great job of it don't you think?!

Lunch date

The best thing about being a twin? You're never without a lunch date x

Thursday 14 January 2016

Ready for Grace

Grace... we're ready for you! Hurrah for our very first au pair x

Tuesday tea again

Another Tuesday, another tea for 5! X

Disco hat!

Totally love a pink sparkly disco hat!

Another cheeky grin

This smile is going to get me a lonnngggg way in life, I'm certain of it!

Twin love!

Come 'ere lily, I wanna a kiss! Love u xx

Travelling in style

Feet up and legs crossed... travelling in style!

Time for bed!

Bedtime? Don't be ridiculous mum... playing with a sleeping bag is MUCH more fun x

Wednesday 13 January 2016

Choo choo

And so the train obsession continues...

My first computer game

Why did no one tell me we had an (admitted fairly dated) games console in the house? The WII is awesome!

Kids road trip

Who needs mum and dad?

Future swimming champion

All you need to be Britain's next swimming champion is a pair of goggles and a cheeky grin :)

Lime tree rocks

Well that's it then, the brand new Lime Tree school is officially up and running! Super excited to be the first kids in such an awesome school... and a rainbow even appeared just to seal the deal!

Team work

Lily, repeat after me... team work is dream work. It'll make dealing with this Mr Potato Head dilemma as a pair much more bearable.