Thursday 25 February 2016

3 is the magic number!

Our own little gang... awesome x

Inset day!

Finally... an inset day where mum doesn't have to work. It's about time mum! Better go for a day out in London then, and I suppose we should squeeze in a visit to dads swanky new offices too.

Wednesday 24 February 2016

Toothy grin!

Loosing your first tooth is exciting stuff. Especially at 4.30am. And yes, it IS necessary to tell everyone we meet.

By the seaside

Seriously, it's FREEZING in Eastbourne nanny and grandad. Why on earth you moved down here we'll never know.  Although, it's pretty good fun we guess x

Where's mum?

Mum, so glad ur having a good time without us. We're totally living it up without you too. Dad's having a ball! X

Chillin' at nannas!

We love nanna and grandpa's house!

An improved ratio

4 adults and 3 kids on a day trip to the seaside, resulting in a quiet 5 minutes for mum!

3 kids rule!

3 kids and just mum, successfully walked back from the park with no buggy. First time for everything!

Favourite castle

Mine and mums favourite castle.  Better take Grace then!

A bubbly breakfast

Well... if mum gives us a bowl with a straw what on earth does she expect? Entirely her fault.