Friday 27 May 2016

Fun at nannas!

Still not saying 'mummy'. So what? It's ok though cos we've both totally got the hang of 'nanna'!

Swim star

Yes, I AM crazy. Probably due to having to use the disabled changing room to get ready for swimming (gily, your fault!) and having to therefore be taken in to the pool through a 'special' entrance. Poor me.

Thursday 26 May 2016

Summer strolling

Keep Grace busy is sooo exhausting... another day out!

Coffee cool

Another day, another tea/coffee/cake date. Life is tough x

Babies day out!

Thought we'd better show Grace some historic sights. Hever Castle x

Bedding down

Another night, another crazy activity.

Dandelion blowing x

Mum... chill out. We have LOADS of time to get to school this morning. Picking every single dandelion on the way is totally fine!

Lunch date!

Lunch dates are just hilarious.

Water fun

Found a new park hurrah!

Cool Jack

Totally rocking my new hair cut and dads glasses.

Crazy lily

Just arranging all my new pyjamas before bed. With my hat on... OBVIOUSLY.

Me and Bay

Swinging with my best mate Bay x

Tea time picnic

Tea outside apparently means less clearing up. If mum's happy,  we're happy!

Laughing George!

Ha ha ha ha ha x

What a kiss!

See... we DO love each other x