Tuesday 26 July 2016

First summer holiday

First summer holiday for us 3... a few days at nanny and grandads. No idea why mum and dad look so excited about it tho, they're not coming!

Union Jack

Forgot this one... lime tree flag time!

Sanders siblings

The 3 Sanders siblings... all together x

Grown up catch up

Kids are away... time for mum and dad to catch up with old friends then. Reuniting the House of Fraser crew and happy house warming to the Frackletons!

Sea again?

Another sunny day? Time for another trip to the 'beach'. Better take everyone with us this time!

Loving life...

... that is all.

Sunday 24 July 2016

By the seaside

A day with nanny and grandad?  Don't mind if we do!


Lime tree picnic

Once again, Lime Tree school rocks! End of term family picnic at Godstone farm? Don't mind if we do.

End of year treat

Apparently finishing my first year at school and getting a glowing report are reasons for a dinner out with mum and dad. Brilliant.

Schools out for summer!

Time to party! (Apparently for the grown ups too? )

So big yet so small!

Reception year has been exhausting... we need a rest!

Splashing about

Digging & splashing. Just toooooo much to do! Such a hard life.
