Saturday 27 August 2016


What's this? Mum and dad out WITHOUT us? Shocking.

Coffee date

Another day, another coffee date in West central! 

Messy george

Just call me messy!  

Enjoying the sunshine

Sorry george..  when ur away we still have to play! 

Pond life

Grace gives us the BEST boys days out! 

Cross dressing!

Yes... we DO have issues. 

A day with the fairies

Finally, a day for girls! Check out my wings and wand... and I got to meet a REAL fairy. Best day ever. 

Sharing is caring

Apparently only the best big brothers share the chocolate from their magnum with their younger siblings. Well... mum wouldn't so someone had to! 

Barry's island again!

Despite several visits to his awesome island, we've never met the man himself. Shame. 

3 in a bed

No... you are absolutely NOT getting your bed back mum and dad! 

Lego sorting

I just KNEW grandpa would take this lego misson seriously.