Saturday 28 January 2017

We do like to be beside the seaside

What should we do on a cold (and likely to rain) winter's day? Go to the seaside with Nanna and Grandpa of course!

Wednesday 25 January 2017

Bean face!

Just call me a healthy eater x

Farm kids

Slides, a spot of demolition and feeding the animals. Exhausting day.


A nap... for BOTH of us? 2 days in a row? Mum, you've well and truly duped us. Who knew a film and some popcorn could make us so sleepy?

Leisure centre creche

Seriously mum, I think you need to find a better way of keeping us entertained when changing for jacks swimming lesson!

Centre role

Yeah yeah, I'm so grown up. Whatever.

Lunch date!

Jacks and Grannies, George is with Dad. Time for a girly lunch then yay!

Dress up wednesday

Olaf and snow white. The perfect combination if you ask us!

Childcare issues!

No childcare? Hurrah for our amazing Grandparents then. Stop 1: Nanny's house!

Namesake biscuit

Thanks John Lewis. A biscuit named after me.
Question 1: why oh why am I only allowed to eat it after my sandwich?
Question 2: why is the female version called Georgina? Surely this should be Lily?

Awesome faces

A circle and two dots for eyes. All you need for a perfect set of faces for a family portrait x

Spectacular Lily

Just call me studious x

Tuesday 24 January 2017

After school treat

Alert! New find... after school teatime at McDonald's. Why oh why have we not done this before mum?

Monday 23 January 2017

Coffee date

It's been a while, but we're back in West Central. Yay!

Wednesday 18 January 2017

She's back!

Right Grace... I thought you'd left us? And now you're back again?! Tooooo confusing for words x


Lunch time is soooo much more fun  when there's 2 of you.

Scooter kids!

Speedy... that's us!

Girl time

Finally! Another girl in the family. 

New year swimming

Time to celebrate the new year properly now... with a bit of swimming (and popcorn, OBVIOUSLY)

Monday 16 January 2017

Wedding breakfast

A playdate is a perfect place for a wedding, according to Lana. Better do as she says then and get hitched.

Sunday 15 January 2017

Splish splash

Totally love this weather. Lots of rain = MASSIVE puddles to splash in!

Saturday 7 January 2017