Tuesday 31 July 2018

Den making

Den making is even better when you protect your personal space... Awesome fun.  

Picnic with mum

When mum packs so much food for a picnic that you feel like your belly is going to explode. Thanks Mum x

Monday 30 July 2018

Hanging with Nanny and our cousins

Always good to fill a few hours of waiting for Jack with a trip to Nanny at the seaside! 

Saturday 28 July 2018

A new shopper is born

Totally got the hang of this shopping thing. There's even people (mum/grannie) to pay for everything and then carry it for me. Long may this continue! 

I love my flippers

When mum wants you to do some chores but you just can't bring yourself to remove your new flippers. 

Dressing for the weather...

When its 30 degrees outside but you just CAN'T bring yourself to remove your Jamaican bobsleigh bobble hat. 

Friday 27 July 2018


The Incredibles 2… officially the BEST. FILM. EVER!

legoland fly-by

The greatest thing about Merlin passes? An afternoon visit to Legoland to cool down in the splash park! Mum is REALLLYYY looking a bit peaky now though. 

Thursday 26 July 2018

5 children and Gracie

We appear to have multiplied. AND we've gained a Gracie again! Yay x

Wednesday 25 July 2018

The Magic Garden

Another day, another fun day out in the sunshine. Mum seems a bit tired, not sure why.