Monday 16 December 2019


A couple more of the escapades of Scooby! 

Over dressing?

When you're 5, you can wear what the hell you like for dinner. 

Our first Nativity

Totally nailed this Nativity thing. Camel... done. Angel... done. What else is there anyway?! 

Christmas lights

Rounding of the day nicely with a trip to see the Christmas lights! 

Our first Kareoke!

Seriously brilliant idea... lock a bunch of kids in a sound proofed room and let them go bonkers. Surprised the mums stayed to watch to be honest! 

Tree Picking

And so there we go, the annual 'dad under a tree' photo. Perfect tree picked, now for the decorations m!


How did we miss this! Mum and Dad have been planning this epic holiday... we are SOOOO excited! 10 sleeps x

Street Dance

Totally smashed the street dance performance! 

Hostage situation

Naughty Scooby! 

A card from Bella

When one of your besties makes you feel super-special...

Xmas tree decorating!

Thanks for letting us decorate your trees Nanny and Grandad... we did a fab job. 

Christmas Fayre fun

And the Cjristmas Fayre is here again... fun times x

The return of Scooby

Scoobys back... with a bunch of Cheerios and his mate Mr Frosty xx

Food art

When playing with your food is perfectly acceptable. 

Advent time!

1st December and time for Advent calendars hooray! Thanks Grannie xx

Frozen 2!

Frozen 2 and lunch with Grannie... what's not to like? Frozen apparently, as George and Daddy bailed and went to 'The Adams Family'. 

New hat

So... mum keeps getting us all gloves/hats/snow boots etc as apparently winter is going to be REALLLLY cold. Seems ok so far.