Monday 28 January 2019

Playdate for 6!

nother monday, another multiple playdate. Apparently mum thinks this makes life easier? 


Stoneage homework- making stewed fruit. Yum. (and I think the easier option for Mum). 

Sunday 27 January 2019

Happy Birthday Nanny and Grandad!

A big happy bday to this awesome pair of grandparents x

Family Rules

So, after much debate, we finally agreed on our family rules. Minus Geoorges, which mum and dad veto'd. However, we think 'If there's a fire, GET OUT OF THE HOUSE!' is inspired (and necessary). Whether you'd be able to collect a sticker for it is another matter entirely. 

Saturday 26 January 2019


Twister- not for the faint-hearted. Or for mum. 

Dancing stars

The skirt mum made me has inspired us both... kitchen dancing at its finest. 

Sunday 20 January 2019

Crazy George

Only the best boys can pull of a selection of necklaces and some heels. 

Fashion icon

Suns out, glasses on. Just call me stylish. 

Saturday 19 January 2019

Fashion Stylist, Nursery nurse, delivery service, Air steward... all in one day. Pay was rubbish, to be honest, but aside from that it was pretty awesome! Thanks Nanny and Grandad x