Friday 18 October 2019

An eye for an eye

Totally loving this new set of eye patches! 

Sunday night homework night...

Mum and Dad are really getting good at this 'Sunday night homework' thing. Rubbish. 

Dress up time!

When the dress, chunky belt, gloves and hat combo is just irresistible. 

Bye bye Celtic Manor

Its been fun, but now time for that lovely journey down the M4! 

Another wobbler

Teeth are just falling out everywhere! 

Happy 70th Grandpa!

Just the best time at Grandpas 70th! Happy birthday xxx

Hot tub preparation

No better way to get ready for a party we think! 

Ready for the party

After a LOT of fittings, my dress is finally ready for Grandpas party! 

School Council!

When you make the school council... but then discover your trousers are on back to front and that you cant see out of your smeary glasses. 

Happy birthday Chloe!

Girls gymnastics party for Chloe. George is NOT impressed x

Drafting fun

Dads taken the boys out... time for a games of drafts with mum then x

Brownie delivery

We love Martha and Bashie coming for a visit... mostly cos their mum makes awesome brownies! 

Waiting for happy meals

Good job Ronald has introduced iPad to alleviate the boredom of waitng for so-called fast food! This table service idea of theirs needs some work x

Saturday 5 October 2019

A night with the Hoosains

We were all pretty quiet and let the parents get on with chatting... apart from Bob that is. 

Model time

Mums out AGAIN! Another year, another Breat Cancer Care fashion show. And with Sarah on stage... I guess we'll let her off xx

Toothless George!

And so it begins... tooth no 1 lost for the youngest Hinton kid x

Custom made Hogwarts!

I've been asking for a Hogwarts castle for AGES for my Harry Potter dolls and mum and dad have finally provided! Home made furniture and twinkly lights yay xx


So it appears that as the biggest kid in the family, I am responsible for the washing. Mum was delighted with the folded piles on the 3nd of her bed! 


Ordering numbers to 40? Easy peasy. 

Chilled afternoona

Films and pizza and with mums bestie... awesome x