Saturday 22 February 2020

Christmas no 2

Boxing day... complete with Pinata, sumo suits and bingo. Naturally. 

Cheese, cheese and more cheese

Just a teeny bit of cheese to finish the day off nicely. Not sure what Lilys issue with it is tho...

Christmas Lunch

Christmas lunch at the local? Brilliant. Grown ups and chilled and MUCH more useful for present building etc. 

Christmas Morning Chaos

And he's been! 

Christmas eve by candle light!

Despite the lack of lighting, our Christmas eve box arrived anyway! Well done Scooby xx

Back to reality!

Arriving back to no electricity... oh dear. Just what you need the day before xmas eve! Luckily got to sorted in the nick of time, Santa must've been looking out for us x

Farewell hug

Found this guy at the airport 5obg8vebus a goodbye cwtch... bye bye lapland, we'll miss you! 

Snow Village

Rounding off an AMAZING holiday with a trip to the ice hotel... 20 years after mum and dad first hatched the plan to go, and with 3 more people in tow that originally planned! Dinner in an ice restaurant... beer!