Thursday 23 July 2020

Dress Making with mum

Awesome new barbie clothes x

Another lockdown birthday!

Happy 40th Sarah! xxx

Back at the pub!

Seriously... we're on our first night away from home in like FOREVER and Mum and Dad are ALREADY at the pub...

Park life

Totally awesome having a little cousin to play with! 


The 5 reunited at last... welcome back from Singapore Harry! 

Girly evening

Drive in cinema with Mum... we love Mamma Mia! 

End of year party!

Celebrating the end of the school year with an online tea party x

Bye bye popcorn

Off to Cardiff for a month... have fun with Caitlin Popcorn! 

Reunited with Nanna and Grandpa!

At last... oh how we've missed you! xx

Superhero day!

I opted to dress as one of the REAL heros of 2020. Go NHS x

twin choices

Oh how different we are Georgie! 

Litter pickers!

Who knew litter picking could be such fun? Thanks Nanny and Grandad! 

Lady lily

Sleepover time... and aparently mums going to keep this one for my 18th? no idea what so funny... 

another day... another field

Oh how we will miss these lockdown days...

Draught time!

Taking this VERY seriously.

Mattress slide

Nothing else to do...

Double bed!

Got my new bed at last... soooo much room x