Saturday 23 January 2021

Scooter kids

Suns out at last! 

Crazy hair

When your hair just can't keep up with you. 

Another awesome school project

Check out out Kenyan landscape!

Morning registration

Seems home schooling just got serious! Morning checkin with our teachers x

When there was snow

Better make the most of it! 

Furlough results

Seems Dad has a lot to show from his near-year of furlough... another bedroom complete! 

Home Economics

Baking with Dad time

When lockdown gets a bit much...

time to shoot each other with nerf  guns! ¹

Grannie and Grampie school

Just to take the pressure of Dad...

Home schooling

Naked painting and lap tops... fun times

Family quiz night

We came 2nd hooray! 

Schools out AGAIN!

So just when we thought we were free, Boris goes and puts the country into lockdoqn and closes schools. Here we go again! 

Den time

Another day, another den x

Family time again

Got Dad better and out on bikes again! Christmas just the 5 of us followed by Covid and a week of isolation... we've got this! 

Finally out!

After a week of isolation, we are finally out of the house! Hooray, that was a tricky time for all. 

Toothless Lily

Just me and my gap x

Cakes for Covid

Turns out Mum and Dads present for the new year is a positive Covid test. Better make cupcakes then to make them feel better xx

Pancake time

Because that's what new years days are for! 

Covid testing time

Ok... so Dads feeling a bit ropey and so seems we need to follow the crowd and get tested. Fun times at Christmas! 


Awesome new toy thanks Nanna and Grandpa!