Tuesday 25 May 2021

Swimming stars

Swimming is finally back on again hooray! 

Horses, bridges and VR

Brilliantly different and all playing quietly...

Hugging is allowed hooray!

Time to wear out Grannie and Grampie then! 

Horseracing farts

Alexa is just soooo much fun. 'Alexa, play horse-racing darts by Mr Farts'. Not sure mum was so keen, no idea why x

Reunited with Lolly and Steve!

Oh how we've missed you! And you us, OBVIOUSLY X

Street dance alfresco

When the leisure centre is shut cos of voting, we took to the park instead! 

Wednesday 5 May 2021

Intellectual sleeper

Because my glasses are just awesome...

Cousin fun

Out with these 2 crazies again... love them x

sibling chefs

Busy again... this time rainbow cupcakes x

Pedlo time

no one wanted to go with mum and dad... cos grandads the best !

Hard at work

Dad's working us hard again!

Beavers is back!

Hooray for Beavers starting in person again... it was great on zoom but real life fire pits so much better!