Saturday 1 January 2022

Swanning around

Not sure why the grown ups constantly feel the need for 'fresh air'?! 

Pokemon with Nanna

Introducing Nanna to this simply brilliant game. 

Beach day!

Freezing (wet) fun in Brighton x

Muddy winter walk

Not much washing then?! 

Chill time

Finally a chance to play with our gifts... a bug thank you for them all! 

Final Christmas!

The last Christmas... missed Nanny but had an awesome time with everyone else xxx

Christmas no 2

Another day, another Christmas! 

Awesome Christmas

Board games and sofa sleeping after a massive lunch... perfect Christmas. Although the grown ups seemed a bit tired, apparently waking up at 3.30am for the day is not a good idea x

He's been!

And bought what we wanted. Sparkle Delilah Sparklehoof being a definite highlight!