Saturday 30 April 2022

11- mobiles, bikes, keys and driving!

11 is awesome! new bike, phone, keys and a trip to Mercedes-Benz world. Even got to drive a car! 

Buckle up kid

Platform 9 and 3/4

Finally my chance to visit the famous platform x

Stratford time

Easter holiday time and a visit to where mums new work will be. A stop at the orbital was good, however not brave enough yet for the slide. Maybe next time...

April fools prank gone wrong

Apparently this is a genius idea (inspired by 'sing 2'), however defacing my clock was not quite as brilliant. Oh well...

Easter biscuits

Culinary genius x

Dad's out again!

Oh dear... 

Street Dance is back!

After 2 years, parents can finally watch again yay!

Bye Mrs Dwyer

Final goodbye, you've been amazing!

Easter hat parade

Apparently in year 6 this isnt cool anymore. We're still up for it tho! 

School exhibition

Finally parents are allowed back in school! Stone and iron age exhibition, complete with insect eating opportunity x

Mrs Dwyer

So sad youre leaving... my favourite teacher EVER. Thmk for the memories and hope you like your cake and pressie x

Mothers day dimsum

Mothers day lunch in chinatown...

Sunday 24 April 2022

Abstract artist Lily

Rainbow are my thing x

Lakeside walking

Time fo a walk woth Nanna while dad m Grandpa sort out our house ready for rental... apparenly were keeping it when we move and someone else is moving in?!

Saturday 23 April 2022