Tuesday 19 December 2023

2023 santa at school day!

Another year, another santa visit...

Frostys ready

Mum outsourced to Grandad this year...

Mums office festive working from home day...

We dont think they did much work...

2nd tree decorating...

Skylanterns to santa!

Annual Christmas tree argument

Nothing signifies the start of christmas more than picking the 'perfect' tree x

Christmas jumper day

2023 Christmas jam ready...

Scoobys back...

Georges Christmas wish

Admittedly late, but nevertheless awesome... a zookeeper experience with the snakes and tortoises! 

Georges year 5 assembly

Uncle fingers to stay!

However we're not invited...not happy! 

Ice-cream and painting

With Jude x

Civilised morning out

Breakfast at Posedero lounge...