Tuesday 30 May 2023

Sleepover cousin fun

When Jude came for a sleepover! 

Home made house

Everyone needs a cardboard house for their teddies afterall! 

Upmarket cinema!

Love the #everyman! Plus Matilda rocks too x

Hair rainbow

fun with hair chalks x

More crafting fun

Thanks Wendy! 

Santa does school

3rd year running of santa school collection! 

Unsuccessful Skylanterns

First time we've failed at sending our christmas lists to santa... too cold! 


New hairstyle! 

Easter show!

30 minutes of non stop entertainment for the grown ups! 

Early easter

Always good when easter comes a week early! 

Lilys new make up!

Frozen time!

Awesome day out x

Lilys french plait success

Apparently yet another example of my determination to succeed!

The bone field

Thoughts for the day...

1. We love where we live now- all this just behind our house
2. The most gruesome discovery- right behind our house