Sunday 31 March 2013

jacks glossary of terms

ok ok... i know, sometimes i dont get it quite right. this should clear things up a bit tho, jacks glossary of terms:

amidge- sandwich
bit bit- biscuit
borberry- strawberry 
bubba- playdoh
choo choo- train
cocks- socks (mum and dad find this one extra-funny for some reason?!)
cot cot- chocolate
doddy and bizz- woody and buzz
doodandle- candle
fishwasher- dishwasher
la la- lion/tiger/leopard
lax- relax
lella- umbrella
lollyfish- jellyfish
momas- thomas the tank
night night- bed
nunnel- tunnel
ooo ooo- monkey
oppopus- octopus
pat pat- lid
pi pad- ipad
tato- potato
torta- water

think thats all for now, until tomorrow when i learn a few more! x

great nanas chair x

is this why shes called 'great' nana? because of her definitely 'great' chair? a brilliant place for me to 'lax'- yeah yeah, yet another word i struggle to say.


im with you, bampar. this shopping lark is BORING! hears to many more wall-sitting times to come x

nanna and 'bampar'

ok ok, its just the way i say it. 'grandpa' is a bit tricky after all x

job done x

omg i have ALL my teeth! this calls for a celebration. mum and dad seem pretty happy, apparently it's been tough on THEM. they have NO idea.

chocolate fest

a day of #chocolate? brilliant! mum reckons next year i'll understand the 'meaning' of #easter properly. we'll see... meaning smeaning i say x

tea time


loving afternoon tea at pettigrew tearooms. sandwiches... good, cake... good, tea... gooooooood.

p.s. grannie/great auntie cathy, this ones for you!

Saturday 30 March 2013

a gift for great nana

she just wasnt wrapping it quick enough, so i had to help.

good friday x

apparently this week friday is good, everyone for some reason has the day off and we have to eat fish. something to do with #easter . personally i just liked the ice cream, which rounded off the meal nicely. 

Friday 29 March 2013

farmyard fun

brush a guinea pig, feed a sheep, operate a digger (which took 4 of us, would you believe) and have a pretty unsuccessful time on the slide. all in a days work for a nearly-two-year-old!

Watch "face plant" on YouTube

lunch date

yoghurt can be tricky. good job auntie becca and nanna were with me!

Tuesday 26 March 2013

getting ready

its hard work, this getting ready in the morning!

Monday 25 March 2013

sleepy jack

woo hoo im on my way to nannas for a WHOLE week. better get a quick nap in on the way there cos shes going to REALLY keep me busy!

Sunday 24 March 2013

dog walking

@ollyjsanders @jennycakehole #jug #dog #jackanddudley

its alright bruno... you take the scarf and coat, i'll be fine x

wrong feet

never leave it to grampie to put my wellies on. i thought was pretty simple but apparently not x

measuring up

just a quick survey before bedtime... who needs a kitchen anyway? an extension for a toy room would be much better.

Watch "me" on YouTube

Saturday 23 March 2013

pizza express

@pizzaexpress #kidsmenu #babyccino

loving the babyccino!

bunny boy

a pair of bunny ears can really make an outfit x

Thursday 21 March 2013

shadow waving

wave to my shadow you say? what a brilliant idea! if only it wouldnt keep disappearing x
Watch "shadow waving" on YouTube

Tuesday 19 March 2013

cross dressing

as my first cross-dressing experience, i think i got a pretty good deal swapping clothes with mia. good job the princess vest is hidden tho under her football tee x

Monday 18 March 2013

ipad generation

#wedidntownanipad #ipadgeneration #whatsamouse @YouTube

so what if i can use the ipad already? i AM nearly 2 you know.

Watch "ipad generation" on YouTube

mum and dad, on the other hand, werent quite as lucky:

Watch "We didn't own an Ipad" on YouTube

Sunday 17 March 2013

date night

#datenight @fayezelle

a bowl of grapes and cbeebies... mia is one lucky lady!

jack says relax

phew that lunch really took it out of me! time for a nap x


right... im going to give this pant-wearing thing a go. farewell nappies... maybe x

Saturday 16 March 2013

wales rock!

@wru @welshrugbyunion #walesvengland #rugby #6nations

woo hoo i knew we could do it! shame mums english tho x

trolley dash

who knew you could have so much fun at @gatwick_airport ? brilliant x

Watch "trolley dash" on YouTube

Friday 15 March 2013


last day of holidays... rubbish x

chasing waterfalls

water falling from a hill... what a brilliant idea!

even more ice cream!

ok, last holiday ice cream... better make it a good one!

mums birthday lunch!

mums birthday lunch rocks! a restaurant in the hills with its very own farm... i say pleeeaaassseee can we move to agriturismo il rudere? especially so i can hang out with my new friend claudio x

mums birthday

totally getting the hang of blowing these candles out... good job its mums birthday today so i could get some practice in before my own!

our italian home!

i love villa luna a LOT. mum and dad keep going on about the view, personally i like the breakfasts the best. a big thanks to cristina and family for making our holiday amazing, and for all the yummy cake!x

my bread!

how many more times... jack doesnt share food! even with mum and dad.

watch 'my bread!' on YouTube

Thursday 14 March 2013