Sunday 31 March 2013

jacks glossary of terms

ok ok... i know, sometimes i dont get it quite right. this should clear things up a bit tho, jacks glossary of terms:

amidge- sandwich
bit bit- biscuit
borberry- strawberry 
bubba- playdoh
choo choo- train
cocks- socks (mum and dad find this one extra-funny for some reason?!)
cot cot- chocolate
doddy and bizz- woody and buzz
doodandle- candle
fishwasher- dishwasher
la la- lion/tiger/leopard
lax- relax
lella- umbrella
lollyfish- jellyfish
momas- thomas the tank
night night- bed
nunnel- tunnel
ooo ooo- monkey
oppopus- octopus
pat pat- lid
pi pad- ipad
tato- potato
torta- water

think thats all for now, until tomorrow when i learn a few more! x

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