Tuesday 28 July 2015

Party time

Not sure which was the best part of Sarah and Wayne's bbq... hanging out with the adults or the kids?!

Bye bye honor

To my favourite preschool girl... gonna miss you x



Leaving preschool means a party and a cuddly toy! Awesome x

All grown up

So we can use a cup... big deal.

Thursday 23 July 2015

Dinosaur park

A park inspired by dinosaurs. With a lake you can swim in thrown in for good measure. Awesome x

Garden fun

Face painting, mud and selfies. Great way to spend a sunny Wednesday afternoon x

End of an era!

Yes, I am excited about school and leaving nursery.  So much so that I made several people a card, made dad buy everyone some leaving gifts and promised to return in my school uniform to say hi in September. 

No, I did not prepare mum for me bursting into tears on the way home:

Jack: why am I leaving nursery mummy?
Mum: because you are such a big boy now jack, and it's time for school. School is VERY exciting!
Jack: but why are they making me leave mummy? Have I been bad? I just want to stay with all my friends
Mum (very near tears): oh jack, of course you haven't been bad. You are a very very good boy. It's just that when you are 4 you get to go to school and make new friends. It's really fun.
Jack (in tears): but I'm really going miss all my friends. And my nursery. I just want to stay there forever! Noooo
Mum and jack: Wahhhhhh

Possibly not as prepared as mum thought then :(

Obsessed lily

And so yes, my obsession with all things girly continues (much to mums delight). So much so that we had to buy my MY VERY OWN dolly buggy. Amazing.

When grannie was young...

Brilliant. A 3 mile walk... just to go and see where grannie spent her summer holidays as a kid. Mum found it fascinating. I found it exhausting.

Big night out


When the babies are in bed... the big kid (s) goes out! Drinks, dancing and sparklers. We love holidays x

Best holiday ever!

The adults seemed pretty miffed about the whole pontins experience. We, on the other hand, had an awesome time. And are now completely shattered x

Superman rules

George and lily, you have A LOT to learn. Good job you're being taught by the best x

Grannie and grampie

Best bit about holidays? Getting the grandparents together for a snuggle. At least, that's what we like to let them think anyway. After all, happy grandparents = more sweeties!