Thursday 23 July 2015

End of an era!

Yes, I am excited about school and leaving nursery.  So much so that I made several people a card, made dad buy everyone some leaving gifts and promised to return in my school uniform to say hi in September. 

No, I did not prepare mum for me bursting into tears on the way home:

Jack: why am I leaving nursery mummy?
Mum: because you are such a big boy now jack, and it's time for school. School is VERY exciting!
Jack: but why are they making me leave mummy? Have I been bad? I just want to stay with all my friends
Mum (very near tears): oh jack, of course you haven't been bad. You are a very very good boy. It's just that when you are 4 you get to go to school and make new friends. It's really fun.
Jack (in tears): but I'm really going miss all my friends. And my nursery. I just want to stay there forever! Noooo
Mum and jack: Wahhhhhh

Possibly not as prepared as mum thought then :(

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